0.2) Proper (Edited)

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The world swirled around her, the lights dimmed out and she felt like she was falling, she was praying the spell worked

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The world swirled around her, the lights dimmed out and she felt like she was falling, she was praying the spell worked.Her body felt like it was being pulled and pushed from all area's. She felt like being back in that car, when her parents died. 

The car flew off the edge of Wickery Bridge, Crashing into the terribly cold waters beneath. This was all Elena's fault, everyone in the car knew it but no one would say it, not as they panicked and tried to get it. Their mother- Miranda- had her head hung low, her skin growing pale and no breath came out of her parted lips. "Mom?" Ana called, but it seemed foreign on her lips, she wouldn't usually call her that. She'd usually call her mother, but then again she didn't really talk to her mother that much. "Father, Why do you hate me?" She asked with tears in her eyes. 

"I never hated you- but your mother always preferred Elena and hated when i praised you. Please, try and get out!" He said as Elena slipped in and out of consciousnesses, and noticed Ana doing the same. "I love you my daughter, i am sorry for everything we have done." He said as they plunged into the cold waters below. 

 She felt the world fall apart, she felt something scratch her face. She felt something beneath her. She slowly opened her eyes, a bed underneath her. One that was most definitely not her own. She suddenly a growl, "Anastasia Daae!" the voice growled. She looked up, the man wore a suit that was definitely not worn in her day, well perhaps by Elijah. She noticed that half of his face was covered by a mask, but she couldn't help but think that he looked attractive. 

"It worked." she whispered wistfully but then she realized she was probably in danger. She looked down at herself and realized her clothing was definitely not proper. Her shirt was ripped and she was still wearing her skinny jeans. "Who are you? Wait! Are you the Opera Ghost?" Ana asked, extremely happy that she searched what happened beforehand, she also knew his voice was hypnotic to Christine. She hoped she didn't have to kill him, she always felt a connection to the man who had been given no sympathy. She quickly hoped up, with a lightening speed that had even Erik surprised. He looked at her, like it was the first time she had actually been there, but hadn't she been there the whole time? 

"Yes, you don't seem afraid?" He taunted her, not realizing she could kill him with either a spell or a snap of her wrist.  For him she was the weak one, she was the one that could be killed in a second. 

"Of course not. You don't happen to have anything proper for me to wear by chance?" She asked. A little smirk on her lips, she realized her cheek was healed and whipped of the blood, again shocking Erik. No one could heal like that, he had not questioned where she had arrived from. He was now intrigued, more then anything.

"This way." The man offered his hand, sparks ignited through Anastasia's body as it did for Erik too. But neither said a word. "After this, you are never to return here!" He said angrily, pulling her along with a strength that Ana believed was like a vampire. 

"And if i choose to return?" she taunted a light, attractive, smirk on her face. Her hair seemed less curly then it usually was, that was because she had straightened it a few days ago but the Phantom did not know that. 

"I shall kill you." He said simply, although he didn't know if he could. What was he thinking, he loved Christine, Didn't he?

Once she left Ana gave a small nod in appropriation, leaving the both of them intrigued and slightly dazed

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Once she left Ana gave a small nod in appropriation, leaving the both of them intrigued and slightly dazed. The dress made her boobs pushed up more, and her body definitely suited it. She smirked at Eric, "Thank you." She whispered. 

Ana had been at the Opera Populaire for 4 weeks, she had never experienced anything like it

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Ana had been at the Opera Populaire for 4 weeks, she had never experienced anything like it. The extravagant and beautiful opera house was gorgeous to her, she simply loved it. She was still intrigued by the ghost but didn't dare tell anyone, she was also finding it increasingly difficult to feed, but her sister Christine Daae helped her with this, completely aware of her sisters vampirism and Ana shortly told her all about her real time. If she had told anyone about her encounter with the Phantom they'd call her insane of believe she was working with him, which wouldn't work well for her. 

Ana and Christine stood at the side of the stage with Meg, giggling about nonsense. Trying to block out Carlotta's screeching- i mean singing. They often stood by the side and laughed because who could possibly like her singing, and if they do well they must be dead. Christine- an amazing singer was a good dancer but she wasn't extremely confident with it. "Gentlemen.. Gentlemen.." The composer interrupted- 'Thank God' Ana thought. Her ears felt like they were going to bleed. Suddenly three men walked onto the stage, One of them being the manage Lefevre,  "Rehearsals as you can see are underway for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal." He said, Anastasia realized what was going on. He was giving up the opera house because of the Phantom- and she couldn't help smirk. He shouldn't be such a coward.

"Monsieur Lefevre, I am rehearsing!" The composer complained to the manager, who basically ignored the man. The composer looked as though he would blow.

"Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry, Ladies and gentlemen, please, if i could have your attention? Thank you." The man asked. "As you know, for some weeks, there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true, and it is my pleasure to introduce you " The man said, causing a sea of mummers to come out.  "To the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire. "

"You mean your imminent cowardness." Ana said making both Meg and Christine laugh quietly.

"Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre." The man introduced as people gave them a small clap. "I'm sure you have read of their recent fortune in the junk business." He added. Making Ana laugh, but was hit in the rib by Christine. Ana continued to giggle at the two men.

"Scrap metal, actually." Monsieur Andre interrupted him, making Ana laugh louder. 

Magic - Erik Destler *UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now