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yay people read my story! I would like to point out that the characters in the afterlife do play a part, but they are not significant to the story. They pretty much disappear after this chapter, as I could not think of a clever way to incorporate them, but they will come back again for a special appearance.

and yes, amelia is one of my favorite characters.

We're all walking through life, stopping to stare at all the pretty paintings on the walls, stopping to giggle with the best friend walking alongside you, and stopping to ponder whether or not to keep going. We're all pretty clueless in that aspect. We don't know what we want. We don't know where we should go. Right. Left. Straight. We just wonder whether or not it is the right decision to keep our feet planted on the ground right where we're standing. The problem is that we won't know until after we've moved. We see that things around us will change. There are an infinite amount of directions you can go, but you cannot go backwards. So which way do you go?

"What's wrong with her?" Meredith asked, biting at the awkward tension that had apparently fallen on them in the last two minutes.

April looked at Meredith confusedly while she tinkered with the electronic chart. "She was brought in in a car crash. She got t-boned. The other driver was dead on scene. She was unresponsive in the field which leads me to believe that there's a brain bleed of some sort. Some damage to her legs... I need to get her up to the OR now."

"Is there a name on the chart?" Meredith asked, knowing that that would be too easy.

"No ID with her at this moment. You don't think..." April murmured. "She never said anything to you?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. At this point though, I'm not really surprised. After how many surprise siblings I've had pop up, what's one more sibling...ish... to the list?"

Amelia came over, barely glancing at the girl on the table. "Get her up to the OR and page me when she's on the table." She did a double take. "Why does she look just like-"

"We know." Meredith responded. "We won't know for sure until we have some ID on her."

April began wheeling her towards the elevator and Meredith sighed as she walked to the desk and sat down behind the counter. She needed to take a breath. She couldn't be related to her. No. It was just a cruel twist of fate. That's all.

After Lexie died, she had tried so hard to push down the feelings. The feelings of guilt. She hadn't been there in her sister's last moments despite Cristina telling her to. She had been awful to her when they had first met. Slowly, though, they had become sisters. Lexie was her sister. Every time she saw Maggie, she felt that guilt. Was Maggie a pseudo replacement? Trying to get Mer to feel less guilty with the second one?

Her beeper went off for her surgery with Dr. Bailey. She had completely forgotten about it.

She would worry about this later. There were lives to be saved.


Several hours later, Mer walked into the OR holding a mask over her mouth. She took a deep breath. At least the girl wasn't bleeding out on the table. Callie was there too, tinkering on what seemed to be her leg. "How is it coming?"

Amelia looked up from the task at hand. "Good. All brain problems were fixed. Looks like Little Grey is going to be okay." She also had some damage on the lower extemities, but Callie said she should be good with lots of physical therapy." Callie looked up for a brief moment, then looked back down.

Oh good, she was going to be okay, eventually. Replaying Amelia's whole speech in her brain, she stopped firmly. "She is not Little Grey. How do you even-"

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