Chapter 31: ANOTHER!

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"Coming?" Erik asks tightly with his eyes locked on Thor who I hear stand up behind me.

"Coming now," I assure him before I then wait for him to move out of the way so that I can step down from the van and join him on the ground. Once both of my feet are secure on the asphalt I quickly move to the side of the van, waiting for Thor to climb out after me so that I could shut the door behind him. Once he stands beside Erik I slide the door shut before the three of us then make our way towards building where Darcy and Jane were waiting for us inside.

Darcy was seated at the table in the far corner of the room watching the three of us curiously as we approached Jane who stood in the center of the room, a bundle of dark clothing in her hands. Figuring out that these clothes were for Thor, Erik and I move past her and start to make our way over towards the table so that we could pull up a chair beside Darcy. I find myself slowing down in my tracks however as I hear Jane mumble quietly from behind me, "These are the only clothes, that uh, that I have that will fit you."

Even though I had slowed my pace down I continue to move forward, I manage to turn my head slightly so that my gaze was fixed on my friend and Thor in the middle of the room, the both of them staring at the other. Jane however seems to grow uncomfortable under Thor's constant look however as she ducks her head down and shifts her weight from one foot to the other, a slight, red blush creeping it's way onto her face as her eyes land on the clothes in her hand. She suddenly clears her throat before she then thrusts the pile towards a slightly surprised Thor, who takes them from her hands. Jane's drop immediately to her side once there's nothing left in them before she finally has the courage to look up at Thor, lifting a hand to point to the bathroom to the left of them. "You can get changed in there if you like. It'll give you some privacy..."

Thor wordlessly strides off towards the bathroom at her words, disappearing from sight as he walks around the door. His sudden exit has me frowning to myself as I continue to move forward, not a fan of his sudden rudeness. The least that he could do is thank us or Jane at least, seeing as she was the one that found him something to wear besides the hospital gown that we found him in-

A loud crash and a sharp sting of pain in my thigh immediately drags me out of my thoughts as I curse out loud, causing all eyes in the room to land on me. I ignore this however and instantly turn my head around properly only to discover that I had been the cause of the large crash. Due to my focus on Jane and Thor just then I hadn't been focusing on where it was that I was walking, so I had walked straight into the corner of the table causing it to shake and for the contents on it to rattle. Bloody idiot, I scold myself silently as I rub at my now aching thigh. Next time watch where you're going.

"Niiiiiccceeee," Darcy drawls, clearly amused with my clumsiness where she sits on the other side of the table. Not having the energy to think of retort to her comment, I only shoot her a glare as I then plonk myself down in the free chair at the table, shifting until I was comfortable where I sat.

"You alright?" Jane asks as she comes up from behind me, her small notebook in her hand. I only my head in response to her question before she then gives a nod of her own as she opens up to a random page in her notebook, her eyes blinking at her neat scrawl along the pages a she then starts to pace along the length of the table. The room is then thrown into silence as Jane looks over her notes with Erik doing the same in his own notebook across from me, while Darcy fidgets with her taser up on the table in front of her. Knowing that Thor probably wouldn't take that much longer to change into the clothes that Jane had given him, I direct my attention to the photo pinned to the board that Darcy had pointed out to the rest of us earlier that day. I narrow my eyes in concentration as I stare at the pins holding the photo in place on the board. After a few brief moments of concentration of using my telekinesis, the pins drop with a clatter to the ground causing the photo of Thor in the clouds to fall from it's place on the board and to slowly float in the air. A quick wave of my hand prevents it from reaching the ground however as the action causes a huge gust if wind to come from the open windows, sending the photo hard and fast towards me where I catch it with ease with one of my hands.

The Seventh Avengerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن