One ♡

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It was a typical school day for (y/n), nothing interesting happening and nearly falling asleep in class and of course trying to gather enough courage in order to finally talk to his crush, Michael Mell.

The key word would be trying, as just when he was about to say something, anything that would most likely be accompanied by a hell of a lot of stuttering, he lost his courage. Plus a tall brunette with blue eyes intercepted and lead Michael away whilst talking about some video game named Apocalypse of the Damned.

"Oh well", he mumbled to himself, staring down at the ground as he walked back to his locker to collect his books for the next class. "There's always tomorrow."

«Time Skip!»

The one class which he shared with Michael, Physics.
And unfortunately, (Y/n) had walked in late, hoping no one would notice but as if the world was completely against him, the teacher very loudly announced "you're late, Mr. (Y/l/n)."

He quickly nodded and glanced around the room for a seat as the spot he'd normally sit in had already been taken.

The only seat available was beside Michael.

He quietly slid into the chair and started fidgeting with his fingers, kinda slouching down in his seat as if he was trying to make himself disappear.

Michael quickly scribbled on a note before sliding it to the (h/c) haired boy sitting next to him.

(Y/n) unfolded it, a small smile creeping onto his face. The note read 'I'm late for this class all the time. The teacher just likes making a scene. I doubt you'll get in trouble, so don't worry.'

He quickly scribbled down, 'thanks for the reassurance. I'm (Y/n).' before sliding the small piece of scrap paper back over and waiting for a response that would hopefully come.

'Michael Mell! Pleasure to make your acquaintance.' Michael gave finger guns paired with a dorky grin.

That's how the rest of the class went, the two barely showing the teacher any attention and passing notes to one another, most importantly? (Y/n) had finally been able to talk to his long-time crush and he was beyond ecstatic about it too.

Michael Mell x Male! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя