13. Delicate

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January 10th 2017

Karlie's POV

We were both discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago and after spending one night in Nashville, it became obvious to me that Taylor wasn't handling everything as well as she tried to make everyone think. Her house had become a media circus after the world found out about Maisie and everything with Adam, so we decided to escape back to London yesterday morning.

She hasn't slept since she was discharged, she's just been lying in bed with Maisie, crying and doing the bear minimum needed to keep them both alive. I don't know how to help her, she won't even tell me what happened, all I know is that she's broken.

"Taylor?" I knock on the door and walk inside but she's facing away towards the window. "Tay, you need to get out of bed." I sigh as I sit down beside her and she just shakes her head as Maisie holds her finger and stares up at me behind Taylor. "Please, Taylor. I'm worried about you." I touch her arm and she flinches so I pull away, sighing.

"Well let me take Maisie, maybe then you can get some sleep." I suggest but she just strokes the baby's cheek. I sigh and get up, walking round the bed. I take Maisie out of the dock-a-tot and Taylor looks up to me, "I'll be back for you soon, you're leaving this bed today whether you like it or not." I tell her and I take Maisie with me as I leave the room.

The baby has had almost zero stimulation for the last few days and I'm sure she's going to be going out of her mind. I lay her down on the playmat that's in the middle of the living-room floor and she watches the lights flashing and the toys dangling above her, so she seems amused for the minute. 

I make a decision that I know Taylor isn't specifically going to like, she's not going to want anyone to see her in the state that she's in but right now we need the help. "Cara?" I ask as the person on the other end of the line picks up and the warm British accent comes through the other end. "Karlie? Is everything okay?" She asks and I sigh, "not really, I'm guessing you've heard about everything that's been going on." There's a silence and then she answers, "yea. How're you guys holding up?" I shake my head as I hold my head in my hands. "I got away with barely anything compared to Taylor. She's a mess and I can't get her to leave her bed, I don't know what he did to her but I know it had to be bad." I shake my head again as I watch Maisie, enchanted by the simplicity of some flashing lights.

"I was wondering if you could come over. I need to help Tay, so I was hoping you could come and watch Maisie. She could probably use a different face around her for a few hours." I give her my reason for phoning and she agrees, "of course, id do anything to spend time with that little munchkin. I'll be over as soon as I can." I sigh a breath of relief and thank her before we share quick goodbyes and hang up.

I know Taylor's in pain and she's broken but I can't go on watching her like this.

Taylor's POV

When the door opens, I know it's Karlie. My eyes shoot open and I'm staring at the wall again, tear tracks are lining my face and I know that I must look a complete mess but I don't really care.

Karlie sits down on the other side of the bed, leaning her back against the headboard and bringing her knees to her chest.  I'm facing away from her as she sits beside me, but she doesn't move. "Cara's downstairs." She states simply, "she's watching Maisie, so I'm going to stay here for as long as it takes to make you talk to me." I sigh but I don't turn around, I can't bring myself to look into her eyes because then she'll see how truly broken and worthless I really am. After what he did, nobody could ever love me again, she'll never be able to look at me the same.

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