The gate closed behind me as I gave the security guard one more nod to express my gratitude and he did the same. He went back to his security guard house which was by the side of the gate to continue his duties.

10.35p.m. He should be reaching right? Maybe there is a traffic jam... or is it because... he doesn't want to see me after today's fight? 10.50p.m. I guess he is really not coming. I should just take the bus home... I exhaled the cold air in disappointment while dragging myself towards the direction of the bus stop which is not that near from the school.

Taehyung POV

I was having an important meeting with the organising company about the upcoming event. I was too engrossed in my work and the next time I looked up at the clock, it was already 10.05p.m.

Oh shucks! Yuna has ended her lessons already! I thought to myself as I quickly grabbed my handphone to send her a text. "Yuna, don't go home alone. Wait for me. I will be late, probably will reach at around 10.30 but wait for me." I sent it out, putting back in place as I wanted to end this meeting right now.

I was about to request for an end when one of the members spoke up, "I would like to also discuss the venue as well as decorations for the area now. We need to plan those things early to make sure that they go smoothly." Shit, this will take another half an hour!

"I am sorry but maybe we can push this till another time? We are meeting again next Monday, right? We can discuss about it again." I pointed out, closing the file in front of me as I peeped on my handphone. No reply from Yuna. Is this girl really this mad at me? It's already 10.08 p.m. I need to go now.

"Mr Kim, are you rushing for time? What is so important that you can put down this event for?" another man added in and irritation could be seen on his face. I mentally cursed and I know if I were to leave right at this moment, I will offend all the people here in the meeting room. Sucking it up, I signalled for the man to continue with whatever discussion he wants to go through.

But nothing went into my head. All along I was peeking on my handphone and clock, hoping to receive a reply from her. 10.26p.m. Please, can they stop talking already? We have gone through this before, didn't we?

10.30p.m. "I think we are done for today. We just need the designs from Mr Kim and his team before proceeding to the next step." They concluded as we shook each other's hands. Thank god, it's over! I quickly packed my things and dashed off the office.

On the way in my car, I was getting more restless as I dialled her number, but it wouldn't get through. Please tell me nothing happened to her. It was already late at night and luckily, not many cars were left on the road.

10.46p.m. I stepped on the accelerator to get to the destination quicker with my mind full of Yuna's well-being. I hope she is still there and she is safe. When I reach her school, it was already 10.52p.m.

Releasing my seatbelt, I got down the car and no one was to be seen. The school gate was already locked, and the place looked deserted. "She must have gone home..." I mumbled to myself.

"Young man." I looked up to search for the voice when I saw an old man standing behind the gate. He must be the security guard here. "Are you looking for a young lady in an office wear?" he asked, and I immediately nodded. "Yes sir, may I know, where is she?" I ran towards the gate, nearer to him.

"She just left. She has been waiting here since 10 p.m. She was walking towards that direction." He pointed to the direction down the road. "Thank you so much, sir. Thank you so much." I thanked him profusely, running down that direction.

The weather was ridiculously cold, and I bet she didn't wear enough to overcome this temperature. Running down, I finally saw a figure in front of me, not too far down. It's Yuna, I know it's her.

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