The American Dream

614 39 2

Washington DC
December 3rd, 2016
Nicki POV

"Ms.Maraj you have a hair appointment to go to" my assistant Gregory said.

"Go away greg" i mumbled with my head in the pillow. She left and came back 6 minutes later.

"Your mother wants you dressed and ready for breakfast" i groaned in my pillow getting up and going to my morning duty. I put on clothes going downstairs to the kitchen. My brothers were eating and my dad wasn't here no surprise. My mom looked at me sipping her coffee.

"Hi" i said taking a cup.

"Im not one of your buddies Onika greet me properly" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Good morning mother how was your night" I said sarcastically.

"It was what are you doing for your birthday"

"Nothing ma I dont want to do nothing"

"Your doing something Nika...were throwing you a ball"

"Hope you guys have fun"

"Your going to be there"

"No i won't anyways im heading to my appointment" she raised an eyebrow looking at me.

"Where is this appointment"

"Umm a hair salon in New York called Sally's hair salone" she sighed.

"Nicki you have a personal hair stylist"

"Yeah but I want to meet with Talisha" she sighed

"Ok but just this safe"

I left the kitchen heading out to my car. Of course the secret service guys followed me. I drove all the way to New York since my bestfriend Talisha lives there. I parked at her curb putting on my sun glasses. I knocked on her door and she came out.

"Hey look sexy girl"

you look sexy girl"

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"Yeah thanks"

"Wait are you even allowed out the house alone"

"Yeah.. You see that black car right there there watching me" I pointed to the car. She nodded.

"It sucks not being able to see you everyday"

"I know I miss you D.C. sucks ass"

"But at least i can brag that my bestfriend is the daughter of the president"

"That's not as fun as it seems...I have to do everything right never one mistake and last but not least I can't even go out whenever just when i get permission like right now are conversation is being recorded."

"Bummer" I pulled up to a bakery.

"Why are we stopping here"

"I need directions" I got out the car so did Talisha. The secret service guys followed us standing at the door. I put my head down so no one would notice me. A dark skin guy stood at the register.

"Umm hi do you happen to know how I get to Sally hair salon i took the wrong turn back" I asked looking back.

"Yeah just head up to that stop sign and make a right then turn left it should be there" He had a strong Philly accent.

"Oh hi Im Nicki" I looked through my bag. Then a dark skin lady came with pastry boxes then she dropped them looking at me. Me and Talisha went over to help her.

"Are you ok" I asked.

"Ye..ah i-i-its just that how are you in my shop" she strutted.

"Oh i was just asking for directions but I'll get out of your hair"

"No i didn't mean it like that.. It's just that the president's daughter is in MY shop" I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"I hope Meek is treating you well" I picked up the last box putting it in the counter.

"Ard ma come on we have a delivery to make" the guy spoke up.

"How much for a box" I asked.

"$5 for the 6 count"

"Can I get the six count please" I took out a $20.

"Yeah Meek ring her up" he nodded ringing me up. Then we heard commotion outside the door. It was the secret service guys arguing with some guy.

"Yo ma who's those guys at the door...they not letting Omelly in"

"Oh those belong to me" I said walking to the door. I opened the door telling them its ok. They moved aside letting the guy in. He slapped up Meek im guessing that was his name. Meek gave me my box and I handed him a $20. He was about to give me my change but i stopped him.

"Thanks for your help keep the change" I took the box waving at the lady.

"Come back soon"she yelled.

"When ever im in town" I yelled closing the door.

"Kathy's Bakery" Talisha repeated reading the sign

New York
Meek P.O.V

"Who was that" Omelly said helping us put the boxes in the truck.

"Nigga you seriously dont know who that is?" i looked at him like he was stupid.

"Dead ass don't"

"That's the president daughter"


"America" he's eyes grew wide.

"Damn a nigga need to catch up on his history" he said I waved him off.

"But what the fuck was she doing at this crusty ass shop"

"Aye watch it my mama shop ain't crusty...she needed directions to Sally's hair salon."

"Damn but she was fine as hell so was her friend"

"I ain't checking"

"Why nigga"

"Ion do snobby girls and plus this girl rich as fuck"

"She seems like the snobby type foreal" he said. We finished loading the truck and headed out to deliver cupcakes to some birthday party.

Excuse All errors

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