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Jace pov: ever since we found clary I haven't left her and it was about three in the morning when I heard and everyone rushed in our room to see clary screaming at loudest she could possibly scream and when she woke she just clenched her nees together and and rocked back and forth and then when izzy walked over to her she just cried in her arms . I have never been so scared before I really don't know how to help her which is making so pissed off at valentine for what he did to her he causing so mental pain to clary and know one at the institute knows what to do so the make a call to the person clary trusted the most which ended up being Luke and when he came she was a lot calmer and relaxed and that when everyone realized that she just needed to be around family and friends until the baby's born so everyone decided to take shifts so clary wouldn't feel lonely at all or ever scared that she would be taken away again she decided that she wanted to feel like herself again and Simon knew the perfect way to do that .     Clarys pov : when Simon brought me to this special room it was like a version of my art studio and that made me feel like my self again and then we decided to make  some art pieces together and when went back to my room family and friends were waiting for me like it was old times and I couldn't be happier and I realized I didn't have to keep remembering what was happening to me I just had to keep going instead of looking back I could just get excited about bring our daughter into this world.

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