26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)

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Sergei smiled "You are straight to the point. That is the typical American way." He then leaned back in his chair. He opened the lid of the vodka bottle and took a sip. He then said "Yes. That was me..."

Francesco nodded and took another sip "How far are you going to go?"

Sergei said "As far as I need to. I need to take my revenge. The ones who killed my brother will pay. I wont rest until every member of that gang is dead. They are in every state... I have far to go."

Francesco said "Sergei. I am sorry about your brother... But... I need your help and I need you to stop your revenge mission for now. Can you do that for me?"

Sergei shook his head "I would never refuse you anything Francesco...I am listening...But it depends on how urgently you need me."

Francesco took a deep breath downing his vodka in one go and put the glass on the table. Sergei mirrored his actions.

Francesco knew how hard it was to get Sergei to come to the surface of the underworld. He was like a ghost. He didnt come in light for just anyone. He had come all the way to Francesco because he respected him. Francesco truly was his only American friend. Francesco never took that for granted. Francesco said "I need you to... help me... battle the FBI."

Sergei licked his lips "Go on..."

Francesco said "FBI agents have been trying for years to bring down the crime networks that I am part of... But they haven't succeeded. I am keeping my family safe but I don't know how tightly I can hold on. Your organisation is off their radar. You invest most of your income offshore and they have no record of your firms and assets here being illegal. Heck they dont even know your real name... You are Juan Carlos to them... They have no idea you are Sergei Santiago. You can help me battle them..."

Sergei said "I can still help you battle them while I avenge my brother."

Francesco said "No. You cant. I need all your time and resources Sergei... This is a big operation. There are many families involved but the safety of my family is my priority and I need all the help I can get. I believe you are the one man who can make this operation a success. There is no one like you in my network of allies or enemies for that matter." Francesco regarded Sergei very highly. He didnt fail. Full stop. Even his brother's murder was not his fault. His brother was killed because he was the one who had trusted the wrong people without Sergei's knowledge. Now everyone who had caused his death was paying for their sins. Sergei of course wasn't satisfied and wanted to take down the entire organistion that the murderers of his brother were members of. This could take years. The gang of course laid low knowing Sergei wanted their blood. But no one could hide from Sergei if he wanted them dead.

Sergei said "Who else are you working with?"

Francesco said "Some of my trusted allies....O'Neils, Giovannis and O'Kanes... There is Sterling Johnson too....."

Sergei said "You are working with the O'Kanes. Really? Their ways are too Irish...."

Francesco nodded slowly "What is your verdict. Are you going to help me?"

Sergei looked thoughtful. "This is a tough call. I want to continue avenging my brother and you want me to stop. I won't stop for anyone else but I can do for you.... But, there is a problem here... This battle will take years Francesco. We cant take on FBI that easily. You can move your assets off shore and I can protect you. How about that?"

Francesco said. "No. My family's best interests are this path that I have chosen. I have full control here. offshore I will have less control..."

Sergei said "You can trust me to help you. I dont fail Francesco... You know me..."

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