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Jimin was passing through the regular hallway to reach his first period, exactly ten minutes before the bell was to ring, he remembered to smile at his previous teachers that were situated in the same hall.

As he started to turn the corner, he came to a particularly narrow pass that was already a struggle enough to get through, but even more so that there was another male sitting with his legs spread out in the passage. Jimin rolled up a fair distance from the said male, gently smiling at his direction and waiting to try and get his attention.

After sitting there for a few seconds and getting no response, he notices the headphones securely jammed into the black haired male's ears. Jimin leans over and plucks one out of his ear, easily getting the boy to slowly look over to him. Before he can get any words out, the male takes the headphone back and speaks,

"Oh it's a cripple."

He has a nonchalant look while saying that, seeming to think that what he'd said wasn't hurtful in the least. Jimin quickly wiped the smile of his face and responds with sass, "At least I'm a sure fire win for a roller derby."

The boy still doesn't move and simply crosses his arms, the sleeves rolling up a bit to show the multitude of ink patterns spewed across the man's arms. Jimin looks down to examine them, seeing the beautiful designs that peak his interest. Before he can ask about them, the man opens his mouth again,

"I don't give out donations for your little charity work so what did you want?" Again with a nonchalant look. Jimin is once again not amused with the response, but keeps his head cool to respond.

"Actually, dickwad, I don't need your petty money. I just wanted you to move your legs so I could get by. Does that sound too hard for you?" Jimin cracks a smile at his own pitiful try at an insult. The boy just looks down at Jimin's lilac wheelchair and speaks again,

"Well, why don't you just get up and step over my feet, that isn't so hard to do." He smirks at Jimin, seemingly enjoying seeing the boy get riled up. Jimin isn't going to take the boy's shit any longer and backs up, only to ram into the guy's left leg, enjoying the cry of pain he got out of the dude.

"The fuck is your problem? I didn't know you were so blind as to miss the wheelchair I'm in, you seemed to take plenty of time to look at me and stare!" The boy stands up and crosses his arms over his chest once again and leans over to look down on Jimin,

"Then why are you smiling/ You just said you're in a wheelchair, so why smile like an idiot if your life sucks so much?" The boy leans back and examines the disgusted look on Jimin's handsome face.

"So because I'm in a wheelchair, that means I have to be a miserable stick-in-the-mud like you? What good would that ever do?" The boy doesn't even take a second to respond,

"It keeps you from getting your hopes to high of ever not being a freak." Jimin doesn't waste a second before ramming into the boy's leg once again, much harder, eliciting a cry from the boy.

"If you can't even take the pain of that, how the fuck do you think you're entitled to tell me how to live my life? I can be as miserable or as optimistic as I want, I just choose to live with a smile on my face and not focus on that stuff." The boy seems impressed with that answer and walks over to the side of Jimin to stick his hand in his face.

"I'm not telling you how to do shit, Hot Wheels. The name's Yoongi and you've peaked my interest." Jimin didn't know how to exactly respond to the sudden change of heart that the newcomer had gone through, but settled with stating his name and applying a bright smile to his face.

Yoongi promptly moved out of the way and let Jimin continue down the narrow hallway corner. Jimin didn't make it too far before he was called back by the boy, he turned his attention onto the boy who was jogging his way over.

"You won't know by any chance where B359 is? I'm a bit new and don't really know my way around, I kind of gave up about ten minutes ago." Yoongi was sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding Jimin's eyes. The said boy just gave a slight tinkling laugh at him and just nodded.

"Yeah, that's my first class too, AP Criminal Justice, right?" He received a nod from Yoongi. Jimin brought his hand in a beckoning sign to follow him, which Yoongi promptly did.

"Right now we're on the second floor, so you need to go up one more floor, I hope you don't mind joining me on the elevator?" Yoongi said nothing but continued to follow Jimin. "I warn you, they are extremely slow and lack luster, they don't even have the cheesy elevator music!"

That statement prompted a laugh out of Yoongi. They both crossed another pathway and got the the junction of the B and C wing which had the elevator in it, Jimin sliding his pass across the sensor to have it come up to them. "I think there should more than two elevators. We've got the A and D wing that don't connect, so if you have a class in the D wing then the A wing, you're fucked!"

The light conversation that the two shared was mainly Jimin smiling and giving out little tips about the building to Yoongi, but both boys still enjoyed every bit of it, despite the hard start they'd endured and the insults that were thrown. When they arrived at the classroom, Jimin went over to the teacher and greeted the man with a hug and firmly introduced Yoongi ti him,

After first introductions had been made, Jimin rolled over to the far corner by the door with Yoongi and pulled out the chair and situated himself behind the desk and Yoongi sat beside him. The two spoke about little things till the bell rung and the rest of the class came in and the lesson begun. All the while Jimin was catching Yoongi up with the current lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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