Chapter 4

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Rory padded into the kitchen in her sock feet and glanced at the clock. It was 9:52 PM. She was alone in the house. She felt tired and heavy. She could hear her heart beating. She wondered briefly if it was the baby's heartbeat or her own. She smiled because she knew she was being ridiculous. Lorelei's reaction to the news had troubled her. Lorelei spent a lifetime shielding Rory from her romantic decisions. Why was it so difficult for her to understand that Rory needed space to figure things out? The jangling of Paul Anka's collar startled her out of her thoughts. She needed to tell the father of the baby, as he had a right to know, but the thought of telling him that she was pregnant filled her stomach with dread. Rory glanced around at her childhood home and felt sad. She did not believe that she was going to be able to provide such a safe haven of love and comfort for her own child. 

Rory grabbed a coat and slid into some shoes. A walk was what she needed to clear her mind. She walked down the front steps and into the crisp air of the night. The evening was quiet. The cracks in the sidewalk required a welcome bit of extra attention to maneuver. She was already beginning an article about the need to repair this section of sidewalk when she she ran directly into something solid.


Rory felt her breath catch. He smiled at her. 

"Hey there," he said.

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