Ch. 10

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Tris p.o.v:
I woke up the next morning and look around the room and see my shirt on the floor. I also found Tobias' shirt as well as his pants since he doesn't sleep in them. I remember what we did after we came home from Zeke's.

We were walking to our apartment when Tobias out of nowhere stopped and turned to me gathering me into his arms.  He leans in and kisses me which surprised me but I soon lean into his touch and kiss him back.  My hands went into his hair and he moans as I pull his hair.  The kiss becomes a little faster but Tobias pulls back breathless just as I am. 

"As much I would like to continue this Tris but we should get home."  Tobias says to me and grabs my hand pulling me with him to the apartment.  When we reach the apartment Tobias unlocks the door and Tobias and I go in.  Tobias kicks the door close with his foot and pushes me against the door.  He puts his hands on either side of me blocking me in. 

Tobias leans in close to my ear and whispers seductively, "Tris do you wanna have one of our moments? You know like we did at Zeke's." I could see the desire in his eyes and my stomach started to churn in desirable ways. I licked my lips and smiled at Tobias. I put my hand on his chest and lean in to kiss him. Tobias responds immediately to the kiss and kisses me back. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring my hands into his hair.

Tobias moans when I start to pull his hair and I smile into the kiss. Tobias brings his hands to my waist and pulls me closer to him. Our chests are pressed to one another and I can feel his heartbeat which is beating fast. Tobias puts his hands on my ass and lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. Tobias walks backwards never breaking the kiss. Somehow we enter the bedroom and Tobias bites my bottom lip which makes me moan. We land on the bed and Tobias hovers over me and starts kissing down my neck.

I move my hands under his shirt and he removes his shirt. I marvel at the sight in front of me and Tobias smirks. "Like what you see?" Tobias says to me and I roll my eyes at his cockiness.


"Well I like what I see." Tobias smirks and leans down to kiss me while his hands reach under my shirt. I was too entranced with his lips on mine that I didn't notice Tobias taking off my shirt. After kissing for what feels like a long time we pull apart both breathless. "I love you Tris."

"I love you too, Tobias." We lay down and cuddle with each other and eventually fall asleep.


Tobias stirs which brings me back to reality and I look over at Tobias looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. He's smiling at me and I notice he doesn't have his shirt on because of what happened last night when we  got home from Zeke's.  I blush at the memory of last night and Tobias notices because his smile widens.  He brings me closer to him and I hide my face into his bare chest. 

"What's the matter Tris?  Why are you blushing?"  Tobias laughs at me while I keep my face in his chest. 

"Shut up!"

"You know you're adorable when you blush."  Tobias says and blushes his fingers against my cheek that is exposed.

I bring my head from his bare chest and I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.  "You're lucky I love you or you would be in a lot of pain right now."

"Well it's true Tris.  You are.."  I didn't let Tobias finish since I cut him off by kissing him.  Tobias kisses me back and I run my hands through his hair.  We pull back after a while and Tobias is starstruck at first but then he smiles.  "That's one way to shut me up." I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek then I smile at the man in front of me.

We were silent for a while just enjoying each other's company until Tobias cleared his throat making me look at him.  "Yes?"

"So what was that you were blushing over?"

I groaned and put my hands up to cover my face. "Tobias really?!" Tobias is laughing at me so I slap him on the chest.

"Come on Tris. What is it?"

"It was nothing. Now stop asking."

"I bet you were blushing at the sight in front of you since I'm hot and you can't get enough."

"No! God you're so cocky sometimes."

"Then what was it then?"

"Ugh...I was blushing because of what happened last night and the fact that neither of us has shirts on." I can feel myself blushing under his gaze and I can see Tobias smiling.

"Last night was amazing Tris." I am blushing more now and Tobias brings his hand to brush strands away from my face. "You don't have to blush Tris. It's part of being in a relationship and that's the moments we should cherish."

"Sorry still getting used to the intimate part of our relationship."

"I understand Tris." Tobias smiles at me sincerely and kisses my forehead. We stay like that for a while relishing in each other's company.

We were on the couch relaxing after we had some food when Tobias gets up off the couch.  "What are you doing Tobias?"

"I'm gonna hook up the television."  Tobias says and I lean back into the couch watching Tobias work at the television.  Tobias takes the television out of the box it came in and puts it on the floor since we need some more furniture.  Tobias plugs the television into the outlet and grabs the remote turning the television on.  "There."

"But it's blank Tobias."

"We'll worry about that later.  We can get Netflix so we can watch television."

"Sweet."  Tobias comes back to the couch after turning the television off and sits down next to me.  "Tobias can we get a nightstand for the bedroom?"

"Yeah.  That's a good idea."  I get up and Tobias looks at me confused.  "  Ok."  Tobias gets up off the couch and we put shoes on before heading out.  We got to the store and Tobias grabbed a cart before we headed to the furniture section.  I found a nightstand that is just perfect for the bedroom.  Its black but the thing I like about it is that it's small and cute.  It also had designs along the sides of the trunk of the stand. 

"I want that one."  Tobias grabs the box and puts it into the cart.  "Tobias let's look for one more thing."

"Ok."  We head to where there's a mini table for the television.  I found a grey color table that the television would look perfect on. 

"That grey mini table."  Tobias grabs the box and puts it into the cart before we head to the check out.  When we are check out we head home with the two boxes.  I open the door while Tobias carries the mini table since I carried the other one.  Tobias puts the box by the television and I bring the box for the nightstand go in our bedroom.  I put the box besides the bed and head downstairs to the living room where Tobias is sitting on the couch.  I sit next to Tobias and he wraps his arm around me so I lean into him.

"I've been thinking."

"Yeah?"  I look up to him and see he's looking at me with a serious expression. 

"I want to get you a phone."  Tobias says and I can't help but smile.

"That would awesome Tobias!"  I say clapping my hands and Tobias smiles at me.

"So it is decided. I'm gonna get a phone."

A/N: I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas. Here's my gift to you guys. Hope you liked the chapter. 😃. Enjoy the rest of your holidays.

Btw I wanted to give what happened when Tobias and Tris left Zeke's. 😏🤪

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