"Mother..you're hand.." The girl grumbled and she eased a bit.

"S-Sorry," She stammered and the mother and daughter exited the 'Dollhouse'.

★ ★ ★

A tall man opened the door for Elena and her mother to step out. It had just finished raining which caused Ella the step into a puddle to her dismay. Ella and Elena walked side by side into the banquet hall.

As the doorman opened up the huge door, Ella quickly took the blondes hand and led her in. There was violins playing and business people everywhere, drinking fancy drinks and sitting down at dinner tables.

"Our table is with my co-workers," Her mother whispered. A woman with shoulder-length brunette hair appeared in front of us. She wore a long maroon dress that touched the floor. She held a cocktail in one hand and in the other her purse.

"Well if it isn't Ella Reign!" The woman opened her arms. Ella let go of Elena's hand roughly and hugged her. they kissed each others cheek, smiling. Her mother's being clearly fake . "Elena! Good to finally meet you properly. I see you at the school sometimes when I pick up Bill,".

"This is Sharon Denbrough, you know Bill Denbrough, right? He goes to school with you.." Her mother gritted her teeth, turning to her daughter

"Heh, nice to meet you too," Elena shook her hand, kindly. "And yes, I do know him. We are in the same French class,".

"Sharon, is Bill here?" Ella asked Bill's mother. Sharon's face lit up.

"Yes! Elena, why don't you go over to him? He's getting a bit lonely, all he has is George to talk to!" Sharon chuckled. She was bright lady. She was always smiling..but after her sons death she would only smile occasionally. But her sons death didn't take place until a month after.

"O-Of course!" Elena smiled. Truth is, she didn't want to. But from her mothers glare she figured she didn't have a choice. Sharon pointed to where he was. Elena looked and saw him sitting down with his seven year old brother, Georgie sitting beside him. They were chatting and smiling.

Elena made her way to them, her arms hanging limply by her side. She stood in front of them, unnoticed. She looked behind her and stared at her mother and Sharon talking. She debated running..Maybe she could get away from talking to them.

"Hi.." A voice spoke, startling the girl. She quickly turned back around. The two boys stared up at her. Georgie was the one who had spoken first to her.

"Oh, hey," She said awkwardly. "Um..Your mom wanted me to come talk to you..And, uh keep you company," Elena explained, trying her best not to make eye contact.

"Y-You're El-El-Elena, right?" Bill looked up at the girl. "Miss. Pur-Pur-Perfect," He added.

Elena scrunched up her nose when he added the 'Miss. Perfect' part.

"I'm not really perfect," The blonde clicked her ankles and chewed the inside of her mouth. "Everyone just assumes I am,".

"Oh. D-Do you w-w-w-wanna s-sit?" Bill gestured towards an empty seat next to them. Elena returned him a forced smile and sat.

"Is that your girlfriend, Billy?" Georgie nudged Bill, grinning. Bill flushed red which made Elena chuckle.

"N-No! Sh-Sh-Shut up, Georgie," Bill looked at the ground, ashamed of his younger brother.

"Do you have any friends?" Georgie asked Elena randomly, tilting his head.

"Uhh..Not really, to be honest," Elena answered, embarrassed. The blonde looked at her lap, blushing. You'd think that 'Miss. Perfect' would be one of the most popular girls in school, wouldn't you? But Elena was actually one of the most loneliest girls in school.

"H-He was j-j-j-just asking if you're fr-fr-friends were..h-here," Bill quickly stepped in. "Georgie.." He whispered, giving Georgie a warning glare.

"It's okay, really," Elena noticed Bill's glare at his younger brother. "Do you know anyone else here?" She was stuck for things to talk about.

"Y-Yeah. Stanley U-Uris is h-h-here. His f-f-father was in-in-invited b-b-because-"

"He runs a church or something," Georgie translated, making Bill look very insecure. Bill always got frustrated with himself for stuttering, it was embarrassing to him.

"The church on the edge of Neibolt?" Elena questioned. Bill just nodded. "Oh. My mother and I go to that church every Sunday, I might recognize him when I see him,".

"H-He's in the b-b-bathroom," Bill pointed to a door in the corner of the ballroom which had a mans figure on the front to show it was a men's bathroom.

As Elena looked at the door, Stanley stepped out of it wearing a dark blue suit. He spotted Bill and ran over, getting told off my waiter for running in the hall but Stan ignored him and kept running to our table.

"Bill, let's go. Dad said we can look around the gardens, they're massive," Stan tugged on Bill's jacket. "Georgie can come too if we keep an eye on him,".

"Can sh-sh-she come?" Bill cocked his head towards the blonde girl sitting next to him. Stan scanned the girl and shot Bill a look of confusion.

"No offence, but who exactly are you?" Stanley asked Elena.

"I'm Elena-"

"-Reign," Stan realized and finished her sentence. "Miss. Perf-"

"St-Stan! Sh-Shut up!" Bill stopped him mid sentence, for he knew that Elena didn't like to be called that. Elena shifted in her seat.

"Yeah, alright. She can come," Stan sighed. "Can we go now?".

"Yes!" Georgie stood up. All 4 of them ran to the exit, only to be stopped by Ella. Elena's stomach sank.

"Where do you think you're going?" She glared down at her daughter.

"To go outside, mother," The girl replied simply.

"First of all, do not run in your dress, that's not very ladylike," Ella crossed her bony arms. "Second of all, I forbid you to go outside. It has just started raining and you are not getting your dress dirty!".

"Huh?! But mother.." Elena trailed off as her mother started to grit her teeth and she didn't dare finish her sentence.

"M-Mrs. Reign, We-We'll be under sh-sh-shelter, sh-she won't g-get dir-dirty," Bill defended his new founded friend. Stan reluctantly agreed.

"I'm sorry, boys. You 3 can go ahead," She smiled at them." But, you will stay here," She turned to her daughter. "Ugh! You're hair is a mess! Come, I have to fix it," Ella ran her fingers through Elena's curls.

Bill and Stan frowned at Elena.

"Why don't you stick up for yourself?" Stanley mouthed to her. Elena shrugged.

"I can't," She mouthed back. Stan rolled his eyes. Elena saw this action and realized that she couldn't let her mother treat her like this, not anymore.

"Get away from me," She hesitantly told her mother, smacking her hands out of her hair. "My hair is fine," Elena stroked her hair.

"Excuse me?" Ella placed her hands on her hips.

"Y-You heard me!" Elena stammered. "I'm sorry, mother," And with that, she turned on her heel and ran for the exit, Stan, Bill and Georgie running close behind her.

They reached the gardens, panting. Her mother was right on one thing though...

It was pouring rain..a flood was coming and any person could tell by it.

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