The Champion

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Casta woke up in a cold sweat and a throbbing headache. As she forced her eyes open, she came to a horrific realization that she was in a place she shouldn't.

She was laying on a freezing marble slab with gold veins running through its flawless white. Above her, a golden light illuminated only her as the rest of the room was pitch black.

"Good, you're awake. I thought I'd killed you....on accident, of course," the hidden voice laughed. The voice sounded like an old crone, but had a tone of authority and almost seemed alien in a way. But she had heard it before; and her head throbbed while struggling to remember.

An old woman walked into view of the light. Her once golden hair now silver with age, and Casta could imagine her once being young and flawless, but it was difficult with all the creases and worry wrinkles landscaping her pale face. A golden crown laced through her hair, seeming to make it troublesome to hold her head up; and a fur cloak hid the rest of her thin frame.

"Where am I?" Casta croaked.

The woman smirked, making her pink lips crack a little. "You are in a safe place for now. That's all you need to know at the moment. I am Queen Mira, of the Celestial Realm; and you are my champion."

Casta attempted to sit up, but invisible restraints held her down. "And what battle do you have that requires a champion?"

The queen now grinned, "The death of Devon Finn."

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