Part 20

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Third Person POV

"Dumbo .. idiota is asking me for my password  .. doesn't even know he is my password." She murmured, pushing herself deeper into him.

Samy fell asleep wrapping her arms around Sid.

Sid waited for fifteen minutes caressing her face slowly with his fingers and after making sure she was in deep sleep, he then carefully moved her head onto the pillow and slowly disetangled himself from her.

He kissed her forehead lightly, slowly got up from the bed and moved to the couch in the room. He opened Samy's laptop and powered it up.

"What did she mean - I was her password? .. yes .. she still has feelings for me even though she rejected my marriage proposal  .. I need to help her win this project .. damn! I need the presentation for that .. let me try her laptop." he debated with himself and finally decided to log onto her laptop to get the presentation.

"Passwords are alphanumeric, so first part might be 'Sid' .. what is the numeric part?" He wondered and tried his birthday.

It didn't work. Then he tried her birthday .. that too didn't work. He had one more chance, before the account would get locked out, so he put the laptop aside and started to think like Samy.

"Must be something unique to both of us." He then tried the date they met for the first time in the airport and .. voila .. the password went through.

He opened the  PowerPoint app and checked the latest version of the presentation. After quickly scanning the powerpoint slides, he decided it was best to mail himself a copy and then work on the changes.

He opened her outlook and was tempted to look into her personal email to see if she had written to someone about him. The urge to quickly search his name through her outlook mail and text conversations started overpowering him. He closed his eyes and counted till ten to control his urge and then quickly mailed himself a copy of the presentation from her email id and closed her laptop.

He knew, she may not be happy that he logged onto her computer and mailed himself a copy of the presentation,  but he had no choice if he had to salvage the current project.

Without the details  about the project he had nothing to prepare for the next day and he was sure Samy wouldn't be able to make it.

It was upto him now and he wanted to win it so badly, because it would be his going  away gift to Samy.

Sid shutdown her laptop and opened his own laptop and started working on the presentation.

He worked late into the night changing the presentation to match the white paper he wrote on the new enterprise bus architecture. Their local sales director Mr Singh, informed Sid, earlier in the day about Mr Chang - client CTO,  and how impressed he was with his white paper on emerging technology. Chang was one of the very few people who knew Sid's real identity. Sid wrote and published his papers under the pseudonym Jon Snow.

It was Chang who requested for Sid to be part of the presentation, so that he could convince the technical board to invest in the new design and hardware, that would put them ahead of their rivals in business.

While working on the presentation, Sid took a break every fifteen minutes, pausing by her bed, watching her sleeping peacefully. He could feel the fullness in his heart watching her so closely as her chest rose up and went down in sync with her breaths.

He felt the experience magical. Twenty four hours before he was completely distraught, on the verge of loosing her forever. He wouldn't have believed if anyone told him that they both would be alone in a foreign country spending time together.

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