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I'm at a meeting . I'm surprised to see that I'm here with revance. Even the guys are suprised."So..",the director breaks the silence."Yes",me and Iori say at the same time. We both look at each other.

" Now let's start the meeting." "Ok",this time we all day at the same time.

"As you know,revance is the most popular boy band in Japan and Hikari is the most famous female idol in Japan , we want you two to participate in the world competition representing Japan."

"Huh,you mean us revance and my sister in the world competition!?" Iori asks shocked.Not only him we are all shocked.

The world competition is held after every 10 years and each country has only one representative.The best band or idols can participate there.The team or idol who wins is termed as the best team or idol of the world.It is everyone's dream to win it.

"Yes.You are chosen as the representative of Japan",the director answers.

"But doesn't only one group or idol is chosen as representative of a country?"I ask .

"Yes but you two were selected as you two are in the top.So you'll be going to L.A. in next week."

"What !? The next week?"we all say practically shout.

"Yes . Your tickets and every thing is ready. The meeting is now over."

"Wow we're in the world competition. It's like a dream.",I think to myself as we go back to house together. In the car I'm sitting next to Iori.

"So we're both the representative of japan.Never thought you could match up to us.But you can't beat us",Iori says while smirking.

"Oh yeah let's see who wins.Don't come crying to me when you lose",I reply him smirking.

We start to talk about random things in the car until we reach the house. When I go inside my phone suddenly starts ringing . I check my phone to see who it is . And am shocked to see.

"DAD?!" I loudly say.


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