~~after class~~+ ~~Hope pov~~

as soon as I left class I saw Y/n kissing Jason and with that kiss i felt so heart broken like someone just stab me that kiss was meant for me and y/n I saw a butterfly and knew it meant a akuma.I went up to it touched it and heard someone " hello I'm Hawkmoth You're special than anyone I akumatized i felt the negative energy even before you were Akumatized  you're name is Death everyone will fear you and you can have your little angle y/n,All you have to do is give me the miraculous of your enemies and you can even kill anyone that comes in the way " I smirked "Yes sir"

I went up to it touched it and heard someone " hello I'm Hawkmoth You're special than anyone I akumatized i felt the negative energy even before you were Akumatized  you're name is Death everyone will fear you and you can have your little angle y/...

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As soon a class was over Jason grabbed me from behind and started kissing of course i kissed back "I miss you" Jason mumbled into my neck "I miss you too my little kawaii  potato" he then started kissing my neck "dude stop were still at school" "we can skip school to do stuff " Jason says in a seductive tone.My blush was so bad I couldn't even hide it anymore I just punched him "Just kidding but you think dirty,though if you wanted to I wouldn't mind" he then started kissing my neck again and was about to lead me into the closet but we heard a song and people screaming "Damn it" Jason mumbled under his breathe "here stay in the closet ill see what's going on okay?" he questioned what if he got hurt? It's my job to protect him I can't say okay.When I was about to answer  he locked the door and ran"JASON YOU SON OF A BITCH" I changed to  Leona and with my anger I kicked that door like it was noting  I ran after him but couldn't find him I just hope he's safe. I follow the music to hear a girl singing 

everyone started following her I then noticed she looked like someone i knew waittttt THAT'S HOPE "HAHAHHA come my little children you can all die together so it just me and my y/n" she says in a deeper tone . she turns around and looks at me "Ohhh look who we have here Ladybug,Chat,Drago,Ayana  and Little Leona" she says hapily  I turn to see them all behind me "Guys i know i may sound crazy but find something to plug your ears with" they all look at me like i'm crazy "She sings this song which makes you go under her spell which she will lead you to your DEATH SO CAN YOU ALL PUT SOMETHING IN YOU FUCKING EARS SO YOU DON'T DIE" i Yelled.they all looked scared for their lives "yes mam" they yelped they scattered to get something in there ears then came back.I could tell she started singing because i felt the vibrations after she was done singing we tried attacking her it was no use she kept getting  faster she then pointed her finger at me.At first i was so confused but then a black ball started forming i was froze She froze me  i couldn't move no matter how hard i tried the ball got bigger.So this is how i'm going to die I looked at everyone and they all had scared looks on them except  Drago he did something I wished he never did.She let go of the ball and drago ran full speed at me,pushed me and.....he got hit  "DRAGOOO" he transformed back to his normal outfit and it was Jason...   I ran down to him tears in my eyes "J-Jason JASON Look at me now " I yelled the rest of them came down "Jason Talk to me" I cried "I'm taking him to the hospital" I yelled at them "I-I-i won't make i-it" he whispered which made all of our heads turn back to him  "please sing me a song y/n one last time" He started coughing up blood which made me cry even more "o-okay just stop talking"

"y-y-you can be king a-a-again" i looked at Jason and with his last breath he went up and kissed me "i---love-----yo....u" then his hand left my cheek his body was lifeless and my whole world stopped "JASONNNN"  Connie pulled me back with tears in her eyes I was trying to pull away but couldn't "why" the three looked at me "why couldn't it be me why did he risk it for me why couldn't I HAVE DIED INSTEAD OF HIM I'M WORTHLESS" I started sobbing like crazy then i remembered  who did it my bangs went in my face "final transformation Ari of War" 

u" then his hand left my cheek his body was lifeless and my whole world stopped "JASONNNN"  Connie pulled me back with tears in her eyes I was trying to pull away but couldn't "why" the three looked at me "why couldn't it be me why did he risk it ...

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I then fly high up in the air and looked for her."Wow you came back in another outfit Leo-Y/n You're Leona my love i'm so sor-"with one punch she got hit into five buildings 

~~Adrien pov~~

"What is she" Ladybug said in wow "I don't know i never seen that one before ever since we were kids"Ayana replied "I think this is a god form i Bet she could kill most of this planet without even trying" i say amused "Nah but i think she got this way over anger" Ladybug stated the obvious.We started watching the rest of the fight. Ari started throwing her into every building I-i think shes planing on killing her " ARI STOP DON'T KILL HER" she didn't listen we all ran up to Ari in the air grabbing her arms and legs and i grabbed her face she kept struggling but since she didn't want to hurt she stopped ladybug let go,found the thing that Hawkmoth akumatized then broke and fixed everything except Jason...

~~y/n pov~~

"Did you fix everything" I said emotionless "y-yes i did" i then gave chat my necklace and transformed back to my oringnal outfit "Find someone that can take my place I couldn't help anyway" I hugged everyone then left they all tried running after me but i quickly found a place to hide .... goodbye Jason

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