The Lavery Twins - Chapter 18

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My jaw literally hung open as I saw Damian and Brandon making out on the couch.

WHAT IS THIS? SERIOUSLY, WHAT....WHAT THE HELL....LIKE WHAT THE FRICKIN FRICK.....AM I HIGH?! Yeah, that's right. I'm high -- no, I'm dreaming. Yes, dreaming. This is just a weird hangover dream, and I should be waking up any second. Any second now...

But no. I blinked like ten times, and they were still there, not even noticing me. I couldn't talk, I was in too much shock. This is one of those moments where reality takes a huge bite out of your ass. It's like 'Um, what the actual fvck? What is this fvckery?!" I swear, my heart stopped beating in my chest. Any minute now I'll drop down to the floor, dead.

Damian and Brandon?! I mean, I just met Brandon so I can't really -- BUT DAMIAN? DAMIAN. I'm choking on my mental spazzes right now.

What do I do? Right now I'm hiding behind the corner, so they can't see me. Should I make a run for it? Should I just casually walk by and say 'Oh hey guys, don't worry, I'm not freaked out at all by this at all.' Because honestly, to tell the truth, I'm a tinsy bit freaked out. More like, completely freaked out to shreds.

I mean, don't get me wrong....I don't have a problem with's a bit shocking to catch your two friends making out, especially when you used to have a major crush on one of them COUGH COUGH DAMIAN. Or especially when one of them has probably been with over a hundred girls....again....COUGH COUGH DAMIAN.

I realised I haven't been beathing this whole time when I took in a sharp gasp, my hand flying to my mouth as soon as I heard it. My eyes widened, and I completely hid myself, shutting my eyes as I knew that I was hella busted. I waited.....waited for them to say something.....but no. Nothing happened. I slowly peeked around the corner, and saw they were still doing....whatever. Okay then. I'm officially invisible.

I frowned as I watched them like some stalker. This is all too weird. I mean....My mouth hung open.

What is Matt going to do? If Matt finds out Damian is gay....I can't even imagine what would happen. Matt's not homophobic -- well, at least i'm pretty sure he isn't. However, Matt and Damian are kind of like a team. Like Thing 1 and Thing 2. Matt's always calling Shane a fag and a queer, so that gives me the slightest idea that maybe he wouldn't be too impressed with his best friend being gay.

But how am I supposed to get outside without them seeing me? I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out a plan. Again, I looked around the corner, and a small smirk found its way to my lips. Eh, to tell the truth, I am strangely turned on right now. Oh god I can't believe I just thought that.'s true. Damn, where's the popcorn when I need it? I could stand here watching them like a creep for hours. But, that would just be weird.

They broke apart from smashing each other, and I quickly hid myself from view. That's when I started to hear talking...

"Nobody can find out about this," Brandon was saying. "I mean, it's too weird."

"Yeah, I know," Damian said. I widened my eyes. "For now, anyways."

"Are you sure about all this, though?" Brandon sounded nervous. I peeked at them, and saw Brandon frowning. AW Brandon! Damian smiled at him, and I felt myself frowning in awe.

"I'm sure. I just want to keep it between us for a while, because this is all so new to me. You don't even understand, Matt would probably chop my balls off."

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