he looked back at yuri asleep in those white sheets, and fought off the overwhelming, suffocating and drowning urge to kiss him, even if he never knew about it; to just kiss his forehead, pushing soft, dark, dark hair out of his closed eyes and kiss the soft skin of his delicate face.

victor didn't close the door behind him.


the water was still, lacking softness and bubble bath and nearing on cold. yuri looked at the bruises up his arms as if studying a work of art. he winced with the swish of the water, washing away dried blood from the side of his face. he leant back and waited for the reminiscence to subside.

the house was quiet, and he knew where victor had gone. and he bit at his bottom lip because he wished he could talk to him.

the clothes he had worn the day before were on the bed and crumpled sheets where he had left them. yuri left victor's blood-stained denim jacket where it was and walked down the silent halls of the big, expensive white house with one hand trailing on the wall, as if to ground himself. he didn't like it being that quiet.

yuri sat on the top step of the stairs and drew his knees to his chest. he looked down at the front hall and remembered victor shouting after him as he walked out at 2 in the morning and didn't look back. he closed his eyes as if it would do anything. yuri wondered if he was going to cry when he thought back to lying back on those grey bedsheets and letting akio fucking tanaka touch him like he did.


he was remembering victor kissing him like he'd done hours before on the cold bathroom tiles, tasting like his own tears and marlboro cigarettes when he heard his phone ringing, from the bedroom, by the side of the bed. yuri hardly remembered putting it there; his head still ached from the day before.

victor -




yuri recovered from the shock, then smiled breathlessly. he sat down on the bed and laughed in relief. "are you ok? you sound ok - "

"i'm good," leo said, and yuri heard a smile in his voice. "are you, yuri?"

yuri took in a breath and breathed out too quickly.

"yes," he said, and forced the smile to stay on his face even though he knew neither leo or phichit would see it. "yes."

leo sighed.

"yuri - " he started off gently.

"why wouldn't i be?" yuri said, but he heard the uncertainty in his own voice. leo breathed in through his nose.

"where are you?" he asked, and yuri hated how worried he sounded, knew what leo must be thinking.

he'd seen the look in leo's eyes when akio tanaka had stepped into that apartment.

"i'm ok, leo," yuri said, messing with the cuff of victor's jacket on the bed.

"has he hurt you?"

M.O.N.E.Y • viktuuri ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें