Dark flames

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"Go!" Izuku cheered, Midoriya-san watched him from the kitchen. It was Saturday morning, and Izuku was up watching the news with his Hero book and Villain book, making notes on both. He was cheering on a hero who was fighting a Villain, whilst she worked on breakfast. There was a knock on the door, Midoriya-san went to answer it. But, she soon regretted it, she gasped and stumbled back.

"Mom?" Izuku turned from the Tv.

"Stay in the living room Izuku, call Aizawa-san!" Midoriya-san told him. Izuku quickly went for the phone, he had only just typed in the number, when he saw a glow of amber from the hall. He dropped the phone and rushed to his mother's aid. He glanced at the strange person at the door, his eyes widened, this man. He knew him but in more than one way. He took a step back as the man looked down at him, no, he couldn't be him, he couldn't be...


Aizawa groaned as he got a phone call from Midoriya-san, what time was it? 7 in the morning, it was a Saturday, what was wrong? He answered the call but only heard faint sounds. He sat up to listen carefully, he could hear Midoriya-san crying at someone. He quickly ended the call and called Yamada.

'It's too early Shouta, what are you playing at?'  Yamada's tired voice answered the phone.

"I think there is trouble at the Midoriya house, hurry up, get back up and meet me there as soon as possible!" Aizawa told him, at the news that there was trouble at the Midoriya house soon woke Yamada up.

'See you there.' Was the reply before the call ended, Aizawa quickly left his own apartment.


"Izuku, stay behind me." Midoriya-san told him, standing in from of her son protectively, before glaring at the man. "so, this is working overseas?" She demanded. The man who had entered their home was Midoriya Hisashi. But, instead of appearing before them as Izuku remembered him, he stood before them as the one currently dominating the news. Pyro, the Burnt Villain. Izuku clutched his hands together. Was his father a villain? He struggled to breathe as that thought swirled around his mind.

"You'll find that this job is more...well, rewarding." Hisashi smiled. "I heard, about Izuku's quirk..."

"You better keep away from him!" Midoriya warned him, Izuku looked up at his mother, her hands were shaking, but she still stood against him defiantly. Hisashi snarled, flames flickered through his teeth. Midoriya-san flinched but didn't back down. "Izuku is a kind soul, obviously nothing like you!"

"He's my son, I'll be taking him. His quirk will be..." Hisashi began

"Will not be used by you for your selfish desires!" Midoriya-san cried out. "I will never allow you to take Izuku!"

"So, the hard way it is." Hisashi sighed. Before he could act, someone appeared in the doorway.

"Aizawa-san!" Midoriya-san cried in relief. Aizawa stood glaring at the man, towering over Midoriya-san.

"You're the Villain Pyro." He said

"Aizawa-Oji-san, he's my dad!" Izuku called out from behind his mother.

"I thought..." Aizawa shook his head, no he would ask that later, he had to get him out of the house. He launched his Capture gear at Hisashi, who moved out the way. Hisashi glared at Midoriya-san.

"This isn't over!" He growled, he quickly fled through the house, Aizawa left through the front door. He got onto the roof and saw Hisashi fleeing. A minute later, back up arrived, Aizawa had allowed Yamada and Midnight chase down Midoriya Hisashi, the police questioned Midoriya-san and Izuku about the incident. Shinso-san and Hitoshi came around, they waited in the hall with Aizawa whilst the police finished with Midoriya-san. The police nodded to Aizawa as they passed, he then went into the living. Midoriya-san was hugging Izuku. The police were outside the house, trying to think of how to proceed from here.

"Are you okay?" Hitoshi ran to his friend. Izuku was silent and shook his head.

"You said Pyro was your dad..." Aizawa muttered.

"Hisashi said he was going overseas to work, I never expected him to still be in Japan, or for him to have become a Villain." Midoriya-san frowned. "But no, he knows where to find us. He's after Izuku..."

"Like those villains last time?" Hitoshi asked, Izuku nodded. Aizawa was surprised to see that Izuku didn't seem upset with the revelation that his own father was a villain. On the contrary, he seemed angry, disappointed, his hands were balled into fists.

"He lied, he lied to mom, me. He was going to hurt her..." Izuku scowled, his fists shook. Midoriya-san noticed this and took her son's hands in her own.

"It's okay Izu." She said in a soft reassuring voice.

"Mirodoria-san." The police returned. "We have decided the safest course is for you and your son to be moved to a safe house until your husband is apprehended."

"Why don't you stay with me?" Aizawa suggested everyone looked at him. "The only people who know my location are the heroes Present Mic and Midnight. And I have the room."

"Would that work for you Midoriya-san?" The police turned to her. "Of course, just take what you need, we shall have a few men and a hero keep watch over this apartment at all times."  Midoriya-san looked at Izuku, he was looking at Aizawa with admiration-filled eyes.

"As long as Izuku is safe." She nodded.

"Will Izuchan still be able to come to school?" Hitoshi asked

"I can ask Ectoplasm to keep a clone at his side, just in case." Aizawa glanced at the police, who seemed to accept that with a nod.

"Very well." The left to deal with the media that had gathered outside.  Shinso-san, Midoriya-san, and Aizawa packed up some important things, whilst Hitoshi helped Izuku pack.

"I hope he is caught soon then we can walk together again," Hitoshi said

"Me too." Izuku nodded, "I just don't want Mom to get hurt."

Author's note:

Well, I was thinking about what to do about Izuku and Hitoshi's fathers. I have always like the idea that Izuku's dad was a villain and well, that's what's I've done. Not sure when I'll have him reappear again,  but I know I definitely want this to continue past his entrance to Yuuei. And my flatmate was the one who suggested that Aizawa invite the Midoriya's to stay with him, I agreed.

But I think everyone has gathered that Yamada won't let this chance go by. Gotta love Yamada sometimes.

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