"You coming or what?" I quickly catch up with him as he continues walking. He finally stops walking reaching a wooden bench in the middle of the forest. He places his box of things on top of the wooden bench. A couple of feet away was a pair of swings slowly swinging back and forward because of the warm wind. The squeaking sound of the swing echoed through our silence.

"What are we doing here?" I ask ending our silence.

"I'd like to welcome you to my little hangout area." I look around again hearing birds chirping from a distance. A small glimpse of the sun shines through the trees send shadows of its green leaves to reach the ground. The ground had dead dry grass causing my every step to make a crunching sound. The sent of fresh plants reaches my nose giving me fresh air. Finn's "little hangout area" was surrounded by large trees creating a circle. 

"It's beautiful," I said as I slowly spin around.

"I'm glad you like it," Finn says as he pulls out several empty beer bottles on the wooden stool laying them out in a perfectly straight line. 

"I've grown up here all my life, I never brought anyone, not even my friends, my parents or my girlfriends except you and my brother," My eyes widen a little surprised to hear that only I've been here.

"You have a brother?" I asked as I walk up to him closer.

"Ya, he was the one that discovered this place, he took me here every day," He says as he places his box on the ground. 

"Where is he?" I ask. Finn stayed quiet as he stares at the inside of his box.

"He...He actually passed away a couple of years ago," My excited curiosity suddenly fades away sending my lips to shut regretting what I just asked. "I'm sorry Finn, I shouldn't hav-"

"No, it's fine Mills besides I really wanted to show you a game," Finn says quickly changing the subject. I exhale a soft sigh feeling terrible for asking him that stupid question. Finn pulls out a slingshot out of his box and hands it to me. 

"It's called 'Fear the Beer', my brother and I made up that name, I know it sounds stupid," Finn says as he shakes his head with disappointment. I chuckle at his reaction making my lips curl a little. 

"Well I think its adorable," I said back making Finn's smile to come back. My stomach suddenly feels warm as I see Finn's smile widen.

"Okay, hears how you play. You find a rock that's as big as this." He explains as he lifts up a rock in his hand for me to see. I nod with understanding. He hands me the rock that was in his hand and continues with his directions. 

"Then you stand at least twelve feet away from those row of beer bottles," He says as he points to the beer bottles. He grabs my hand pulling my father away from the beer bottles. 

"Then you place the rock on the slingshot and hit one of the beer bottles, easy as pie." I nod again with understanding. I the rock on the slingshot and pull it back. I feel Finn's eyes on my making me hesitate as I let go of the slingshot. The I shot only reached halfway to the beer bottles. I hear Finn chuckle at my failure making me roll my eyes.

"I'll help you," Finn says as he grabs the rock that only reached halfway. He hands me the rock. I place the rock back on the slingshot. I suddenly feel Finn's hand on top of mine making the slingshot be pulled farther. His other hand wraps around my left one pushing it father. I feel his warm body softly press against mine. I take slow breaths trying to calm myself down from Finn's touch. He slowly angles the slingshot at the right place. 

"Okay, now let go," Finn says with his raspy voice. I let go of my grip on the slingshot sending the rock to break the beer bottle that was right in the middle. Several pieces of the bottle shattered spreading all over the wooden stool. I feel his hands let go of mine making me miss his soft warm touch. I shake my head back to reality. 

Innocence Lost | Fillie  book 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now