Chapter I

163 13 3

Harry's POV

I looked in the mirror and messed up my hair, my locks going everywhere. I was just going out with my friends today and I needed to look presentable, so here I am, a white shirt, black blazer, and black skinny jeans.

I slicked my hair back slightly and huffed in exasperation at the unruly state of my hair. I went downstairs and slipped my boots on as I fumbled in my pocket, in search of my keys.

"And where do you think you're going mister Styles?" my mum asked, hands crossed.


She squinted her eyes and huffed.

"Don't tell me it's work again, I would beat their arses if they're making you work on your holiday!" She exclaimed, shaking her head. I chuckled and kissed her cheek lightly.

"Mum, I'm just going out with my friends, promise I won't be long."

"Oh, alright, have fun, bugaboo," she smiled and kissed me.

I groaned, "Muuuummmm, you called me that when I was three, I'm a grown man now!"

She raised her eyebrow and smirked at me. "Right, right, of course you are" she muttered. I rolled my eyes, but that didn't stop the smile forming on my face.

I exited the house and headed for the beach where we'd decided to meet.

I reached my destination and headed towards Niall, Demi, Nick, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Perrie, who we're sitting on the sand.

"Hey, guys," I sighed sitting down on the beach towel.

"Hey Harry," they replied in sync and chuckled.

"How bout we go down to that little cafe down the street?" Lou asked, getting up "I don't really like it here, it's not good for my skin and if I stay here any longer, bet I'd smell like eleawhore," he scrunched up his nose, pointing to Eleanor and shuddered.

And just on cue she comes over and sends him an attempted flirty look.

"Hi loulou, I heard you call me, do you want something?" she giggled and brushed her fingertips along his bare arms. He grinned at her.

"How about you make your carbon footprint smaller and SHUT UP! Now, go away."

Everyone burst into hysterics after she stomped away to her friends. We all got up and headed to 'Anna's,' the cafe.

We went in and placed our orders as we waited.

"So, Harry, why are you still single?" Demi asked, leaning over to me.

Louis scowled at her, " Yeah, well, what I'd like to know is HOW are you still taken, give the poor guy tim-!"

"Oh shut up, Louis!"

I sighed and smiled, "just, all this work, I guess, I don't exactly have the time to date," I shrugged.

Demi shot a glare at Louis and smiled at me before facing louis to talk.

"Well, Louis you se-" she got cut of by Louis.

"Are you Kanye West?"

She raised her eyebrow, "No."

"Then stop interrupting me," he smiled triumphantly and took a sip of his tea.She shook her head and rolled her eyes at his sassy ness.

Suddenly we heard a shriek.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh! HELP ME, PLEEEASE!!!!"

I looked towards Perrie, but realised it was Niall, who'd screamed and was now on top of Liam.

"What is it?" I asked softly. He whimpered in Liam's arms, "Sp-sp- spider," he whispered, shaking.

Liam held him close and silently whispered comforting words in his ear , smirking as he did so.

"I still don't get what you do for your job," Zayn said, looking over to me.

I groaned, "Well, I help put everything in order and make sure everything and everyone is cohesive in my company's aviator business," I explained, taking a sip of my chocolate.

"Ok, but why do you do it anyway?"

"I like planes."

"You like planes?"

I smiled and nodded, my dimples showing. Louis giggled and poked one of my dimples as he broke out in a laughing fit, still poking my dimple as he did so. I shook my head and smiled softly.

I looked around at my group of friends and grinned, how did I end up in this bunch? First there's Perrie and Zayn, being all disgustingly cute, cuddling and kissing all the time, then there's Niall, our little Irish leprechaun.

Liam, he's like our second Dad,( third for Louis and I). Demi, a really down to earth, nice, good-advice-giving, little girl. Nick, just a generally nice guy, even if he used to have a crush on me.

And finally, Louis. Well, he was just Louis. A sassy little bitch.

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