Page Thirteen; Never Going to Leave You

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Brooke groaned as she opened her eyes. The light of whatever room she was in was blinding. Once her eyes began to adjust she looked around and realized she was in a Pokemon Center hospital room. Oshima and Sophia were curled up together at her feet. "Brooke?" She looked over and noticed Jordan was sitting near the window. "Jordan?" He rushed over to her bedside. Oshima and Sophia noticed she was awake as well and rushed up the bed to sit on her lap. "Thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried about you." 


"You were on your way here to Berg City and I guess a Chandelure was following you and by the time I caught up with you you and Lukas were almost goners." 

"Is he okay?" 

"Lukas is in another room, he's going to be awake soon. He's a bit smaller than you, so it'll just be a little while longer until he wakes up." 

"But he is going to be okay?" her friend smiled reassuringly "He'll be just fine, don't worry." There was a silence that hung in the air, the donphan in the room was hovering over them. "Listen, Jordan... about the fight we had." 

"Don't worry about it, Brooke. That's behind us." 

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been rushing everyone to get to the next gym. Your journey isn't any less important than mine." 

"It's okay, Brookie. I shouldn't have accused you of being so selfish. I know you want to become champion for yourself, not to show up my sister." 

"I forgive you, Jordan." She smiled at him. "Oh, that reminds me!" He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the sea glass necklace. Brooklyn immediately reached her hand to her neck to check if it was her necklace. "When'd I lose that!?" 

"You left it in the room at the ranger base. Good thing I found it, I know how much this means to you." He held it out to her, the metal of the wire decoration around the glass reflected the light of the room. "Thank you, Jordan." She took it carefully and wrapped it around her neck, a feeling of security washed through her. 

"I'll go tell the nurse that you're awake, wait right here." 

"As if I'm going anywhere." He chuckled and left the room with Titus, leaving her there with Oshima and Sophia. She pet them and they nuzzled her, happy to see that she was okay. "Thank you both for fighting that Chandelure. I'm sorry I got so frightened that I couldn't give you any direction." 

"Quiiiilaaa." Oshima smiled at her and licked her face and Brooke laughed. "You always know how to make me feel better, Oshima." 

"Do you think you both could go check on Lukas for me? Let me know how he's doing." They both nodded and jumped off the bed, running through the automatic door and down the hall. 

Brooke lay back on the bed for only a moment before the door slid open. She looked up and was surprised to see her father and Theo running in. "Dad? Theo?" 

"Brooke! We came as soon as we heard what happened, are you okay?" They stood on either side of the bed, looking at her frightened. "I'm fine now, thank you. I'm more worried about Lukas. He hasn't woken up yet." She looked down at her hands. "It was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out in the thunderstorm like that. And when I saw that chandelure I just froze, I couldn't do anything." 

"Brooklyn, this is not your fault." Her father placed a hand on her shoulder. "You had no idea that pokemon'd be out there." 

"I....I know, but what if something else had happened, or if Jordan hadn't come after me..." 

"Don't think about this now, Brooke, you're okay. Lukas will be awake soon, that's all that matters." Suddenly Lola and Elliot jumped up onto the bed to see her. "Hey you two! I've missed you!" 


"Espeeeon!" They nuzzled her happily. "I have two gym badges now, Dad." 

"I know, Jordan filled us both in while we were waiting for you to wake up." 

"We're really proud of you, Brooke. And beating Team Sapphire again, and inviting that Buizel, Sophia, onto your team was great too." Theo chimed in, a wide smile on his face. "Thank you two for being here." 

"Of coarse, we weren't going to just sit at home and wait to hear from you. Knowing you, that would take years." Her brother teased and Brooke laughed. "Not true!" 

"True! You're the worst at calling us, Brooke." 

"Says you. When you went to the month long camp that Professor Juniper was hosting we didn't hear from you until about a week before it ended." 

"Well... okay you got me on that one." Brooke laughed. "Theo, why don't you and Lola go check up on Lukas? See if he's awake yet." 

"Sure thing, Dad. Later, loser." Theo teased Brooke and she stuck her tongue out at him as he left. "Brooklyn?" 

"Huh? Yes Dad?" 

"Are you sure you're okay? You can come home if you need to." 

"I don't need to come home, Dad, I'll be--" She cut herself off when she noticed the frown on her father's face, and the deep worry in his bright green eyes. "Dad? Are you okay?" 

"I'm sorry, Brooke. But just... the chandelure and... your mother..." Brooke frowned as well. Her father never liked talking about her mother, so she knew he was really serious. He chuckled halfheartedly, "You have her eyes. You remind me so much of her." There was a silence. "If she were here she would be so proud of you." 

"Dad..." He was snapped out of his trance and his eyes refocused on her. "I'm gonna be okay. I promise. I'm not going to be that careless again. Okay?" She placed her hand on his and locked her bright blue eyes with his green. "I swear. I'm never going to leave you like that." He smiled again and the tears vanished from his eyes. "I know." 

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