"Sorry didn't mean to wake you love. Thought one of the guys might be out there. Can you get us some more Whisky?"

"Yeah sure." She returned a minute later with the new bottle. She got a seat for Juice who was uncomfortably leaning over his spot at the Irish guy's ass.

"Thanks Rox. You're a lifesaver." He gave her a smile. "If you want to go to sleep you can borrow my dorm."

Chibs raised his eyebrows but said nothing. This was an interesting development. He knew Juice was fussy about his stuff so for him to let Roxy sleep in his dorm was very interesting indeed.

"Thanks. The sofa is rather uncomfortable." She touched his arm briefly and left for his room.

Chibs noticed the contact but chose to say nothing, he'd just see how this played out.

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By the time Tara got there the next morning Juice was dead on his feet and desperate for a shower to wash all the blood off.

After Tara told him he probably saved Cameron's life he proudly walked down to his room ready for a well deserved shower.

When he let himself in Roxy was passed out on his bed with one of his tshirts and a pair of his boxers on. He desperately wanted to crawl in bed with her but he had to scrub the blood off first.

A few minutes into his shower he heard the door open and Roxy stepped in. She smirked and pulled her clothes off, stepping into the shower behind him.

"How'd you go?" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his chest.

"He'll live. The doc came and patched him up."

"That's good." She looked up at him. "How are you?"

"Better now." He pulled her in for a deep kiss and pushed her back against the wall under the stream of water.

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After their shower they both dressed and lay on his bed. Juice reached over to his bedside table and pulled out a joint.

"Want some?" He blew out a long stream of smoke and passed the joint to her.

Roxy normally wouldn't with her job now but given it was the weekend and she was on lockdown she figured why not?

They passed the joint back and forth between them as they lay on his bed holding hands.

"So after last night see you considering a new career path in medicine Dr Ortiz?" She squeezed his hand.

"No way." He stubbed out the roach and turned to face her. "Too messy for me."

She pulled his face towards her for a kiss.

"Well you did a good job."

"Thanks babe."

There was a bang on the door and they sprung apart as if someone would see them.

Chibs' voice rang through the door. "Juicey Boy! Church!"

Juice groaned quietly before yelling he'd be out.

"I wanna sleep." He flopped his head back on the pillow.

"If I was allowed out I'd go get you a red bull."

"Nah s'okay babe. I try avoid that shit. Makes my head race." He smiled and got up to go.

Roxy followed behind him and pulled him in for one last lingering kiss.

"I'll see you later."

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Roxy's day was monotonous to say the least. Being holed up in the clubhouse was not enjoyable. But eventually her and Gemma were allowed to leave to go and get supplies for the party that night.

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