Chapter 14

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The winner of the edit contest is.... DIXIE
Thanks so much who all sent in edits!!!!


     Julia POV  
The next morning


  Today is the Meet and Greet. I am scared because I not sure if Hayes' fans will like me or not. I looked over and It is 8:00 a.m. I need to get up and get ready for Magcon! So I got up and picked out my clothes. I chose my Hayes Grier t-shirt with a black skater skirt, paired with my Doc Martians. I curled my hair and put on my black sparkly beanie. I did my usual makeup routine with a pale pink lip gloss. The girls were all awake and got ready. After everyone was ready, we went to Nash's room. Cam answered the door. "Are y'all ready to go get breakfast?" Mahogany asked "Hayes and I are but Nash's girlfriend cheated on him" Cameron said. Mahogany went and talked to Nash. He was now laughing and happy. He got ready and we went to get the rest of the crew..

    Lexi, Trinity and I were at the breakfast bar getting some yogurt and Fruit when some guys walked up to us. "Hey baby, you want to go get some lunch sometime and make out sometime." the twenty year old said. I quickly answered "NO!! your like 20 you little perv!!" the guys looked very disappointed and walked away. Cameron and Matt walked over to us and asked what they wanted. We told them. "What! Oh next time I see him I'm gonna kick my foot up his..." Matt said. "Okay Matthew let's just eat!" I said trying not to laugh at what he just said.


        Hayes POV

   Bart called everyone on stage, and then we danced for like an hour then we called Trinity, Lexi and Julia on the stage.

   Julia POV

We went on the stage and Hayes hugged me there were a lot of "awes" in the crowd. We had the Meet and Greet next then a break and then Questions and Answers..

     Three hours Later!!

    We went back to the hotel and Mahogany suggested that we go to the mall. Mahogany is like an older sister to me now. She is so sweet! When we got there we went to Taco Bell and talked. "So Julia how long have you and Hayes been dating?" Mahogany asked. "Two weeks and a day!" I said and then took a sip of my baja blast. We got done and then went to pretty much every store in the mall. We walked back to the hotel since it was going to get dark soon.

  I got in the shower when I got to the hotel, and got ready for bed. I was so tired that when my head hit the pillow I was out!

   I woke up the next day and got ready then walked to Hayes room and we walked to Starbucks.

    A/N.    It's a long note, but just read it!! And help a guh out!! HAHA!

    My birthday is Friday, May 16th!! Can y'all please help me get a follow from Hayes on Twitter for my birthday?? It would literally mean everything to me! And maybe get him to wish me a happy birthday? I would die inside and never be sad again if he did and y'all helped!! If he does do this I will try to do a double update maybe this weekend if I'm not that busy or the following Wednesday!! I promise!!! BTW I will be turning 13!! yay! officially a teenager!!!!!! whoop whoop!! Yas I am very weird, if you were wondering.... PLEASE READ THE REST!!

    Thanks for 300+ I literally means the world to me!! I know it was really boring!! I'm sooooooo sorry! I am super tired and yeah!! I'm really sorry it was so short and boring! follow me on Twitter @juliatrull109 if you want to just talk you can message me on Kik- juliactrull.  Stay Beautiful! ~Julia

Also I sent Nash a fan letter and it got sent back to me! :((( I guess he changed his p.o. box or something thing... Does anyone know his p.o. box address? Please help me because I spent along time writing this.. and where do you send Hayes some fan mail??? Please comment if you know!!

    And can someone tell me what the Watty awards is? And I want a Nickname on what to start calling y'all in my Author's Note, so comment what y'all want to be called and I will choose the Two names that I like best and let y'all vote on the one what y'all want! because it's y'alls name, you should choose!! Thanks in advance! Sorry this Author Note was so long..   LOVE YA!!! ~Julia!

It All Started With A Text (Hayes Grier) Where stories live. Discover now