In saiyans we trust

Start from the beginning

Cabba cocked his head. "You don't like serving Champa?"

"Not all the time," Vados admitted. "He's so pushy and demanding." She tittered softly. "But that's what makes Champa Champa and I wouldn't have it any other way if I want to be honest with myself."

Kale was surprised by her bold admission. She didn't think the angel would go as far as to talk about her master in this way behind his back. But she couldn't blame Vados, she supposed. After all, serving an overbearing god who would make Chi Chi look like the tamest saint at times must not be fun. She suddenly felt a pang of sorrow for Vados - she was forever bound to serve someone else as it was her eternal duty. Kale was very glad that she had her own free will, even if she had Caulifla or somebody else guiding her hand most of the time, and even gladder that she was not an immortal being. Being one seemed to lead a lonely existence.

"We've nearly reached their solar system," Vados announced. "I wonder what Caulifla's been up to, don't you, Cabba; Kale?"


After Goku had fed her a sensu bean, Caulifla found herself back into perfect health. She did a few air punches. "This is amazing! I never knew something like this would exist - it seems like something out of a fairy tale."

"Our world has a lot of the weird and mysterious," Goku told her as they flew through the skies aimlessly.

"Really? What kind? On Sadala, it was only us and the local wildlife."

"Oh, y'know, dragons and stuff. Witches, warlocks, fire gods..."

"Dragons?" parroted Caulifla. "Are they the creators of the dragon balls?"

"Kind of, but not really. Y'see, on earth, a Namekian named Kami created the dragon balls and the wish-granting dragon. On planet Namek, the Grand Elder is basically Kami, except their dragon is way bigger and called Porunga."

"I see." Caulifla narrowed her eyes slightly against the wind. "That sounds... absolutely wild. But enough of dragon balls!" She smiled wickedly. "I want a rematch."

"Eh?! Another one? We just finished fighting five minutes ago. Yeesh, and I thought I loved fighting. You like taking things up to the next level."

"Come on, Goku!" Caulifla protested half-heartedly. A rematch on top of a rematch wasn't something she really wanted. Deep down, her greatest desire was to be trained, and even deeper down was a more primal, animalistic desire that she didn't even know existed.

"I dunno... it's getting pretty close to sunset and Chi Chi will be mad if I stay any longer."

"Fine! I have a request though, and please don't bring your mate into this." She gulped as if her pride could be swallowed literally. "Train me." There. She said it. Was she happy now? She honestly didn't know.

To her shock, Goku grinned his famous Son grin. "Finally! I gotta say, you're pretty tough to crack. I've been waiting for you to ask me that since the tournament. I was hoping you hadn't changed your mind since then." He didn't know why, but the idea of training her made him absolutely elated.

Caulifla growled, a faint pink blushline appearing on her face. Ooh, that dickhead! He knew the whole time and didn't say anything! Then again, she had threatened his manhood during their battle. Maybe it was time to accept a bit of the blame herself. "You could have clued me in a bit more," was what she settled for. "I already owe you a favor for covering for me in the tournament. I guess I owe you another now..."

They landed in front of Goku's house and he said, "You don't really need to do anything for me, Cauli."

Why does he keep calling me that? She made a mental note to find out later. For now, getting some training sessions in was top priority. "I insist," she pressed. "It's my code of honor." Anyone on Sadala would know that favors are the only currency I trade in. Heh.

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