Invasion of the Kraang

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Venus p.o.v
Ever since Karai has been mutated, me and the turtles have been trying to look for her. Leo never stops talking about how he failed and about her, I tried to convince him that it wasn't. I'm starting to think does he still love her. I'm always in human form to search for Karai with Oliver and Kane. Raph and Casey also went to search for Karai.

As I was looking I felt that someone was following me, so I ran to the nearest alley way and transformed back to my form. When I got on the rooftop, I see foot ninjas everywhere. I jumped and they all jumped towards me.

I defeated all of them, running out of breath I went back to the lair.

Mini skip....

Turtles p.o.v

Me, my brothers, Oliver and Kane were eating pizza, until we heard someone panting. I saw April holding a girls arm.
Splinter: April you brought a human
He looked shocked and betrayed
April: I promise she won't tell and she keeps secrets. Right Erma.
When she put on her glasses she was shocked
Leo: Miss just calm down
She started transforming into a Kraang droid

Huge skip.....

Back to Venus p.o.v

Every citizen started to get mutated Splinter made us leave the lair, I ended going a different way towards my lair and get Ming. I decided to stay in New York city and fight the Kraang. I hope the others are okay without me.

Aprils p.o.v

The turtles and The others made it out of New York city. They worried about Leos injury and hope that Venus is somewhere safe.

Kane and Oliver never stopped trying, Mikey being his fun self, Donnie is using the farm and making retro mutagen, and Raph is keeping an eye on Leo to see if he ever wakes up from his coma.

I hope I see you again

Meanwhile with Venus...

Me and Ming were hiding in the shadows. The Kraang were everywhere we were going to hide but.
Kraang: Hault the one as Venus shall be known as stop and marry the known as Commander Kraang Sub Prime

I got my tessens and shruikens. Ming stands behind me with back up and he starts growling

Me: Over my dead body

I fought them I looked at Ming to see he is distracted with, while I'm finishing off the Kraang. I walked to where Ming was I saw a fox that had several tails.

Me: What are you

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Me: What are you

I bend down to its level and let the animal sniff my hand. It came to me and smelled my hand. Before I could anything it jump in my arms and started purring. Examining it was a him.

Me: Hmmmm. What shall I call you.

An idea came to my head

Me: Do you like the name Ezra.

He shook his head up and down. He started licking my face I giggled.

Me: Haha. Okay okay. Ming meet your new friend.

I put Ezra down, he started sniffing him and Ming was playing with his tails.

Me: Come on, let's go find somewhere to live.

Looking around the city for a safe place to stay. I found an abandoned warehouse it and a little bit of furniture. I later down on the woren out bed. With Ezra and Ming by my side cuddling with me.

I wonder where the others went to and if their here in the city I help them fight. I just hope they're safe and out of harms way.

Meanwhile with the turtles....

Leo hasn't woken up from his coma until
Raph: Guys get up

They all run to the bathroom and they see Leo awake
Leo: Hey guys
Mikey quickly gave him a hug
Mikey: Leo we missed
Leo: Okay Mikey
The other got Mike from behind helped Leo our of the tub. Leo sees Oliver and Kane he was about to ask a question but he felt soar to as it.
They put him on the couch and Donnie listening to his vocal cords or his heart.
Leo: So I've been out for a month
April: Why does his voice sound deep
Donnie: The attack must've of damage his vocal cords. Here medicine I made for you.
Leo took it and he gagged
Leo: That stuff is suppose to come out of me not go into me.
Raph sat right next to him

Raph: First thing in the morning we're walking.
Leo smiled but turn into a frown
Leo:Oliver and Kane where's Venus
They all looked down
Oliver: We don't know where she is during he invasion of the Kraang.
Oliver and Kane were the only ones crying.
Leo: We have to get her back
April: We can't, not until your healed and your strength back
Leo: My girlfriend is out there and no place to go.
Oliver: Oh so now you to find her instead of Karai.
Leo: What are you taking about
Kane: You kept on talking about saving Karai and keep her away from Shredder
Leo: Because she's endangered
Oliver: So is Venus and she thought you love Karai more than her.

Donnie got inbetween them.

Donnie: Guys that enough
Leo: What do you mean
Oliver: We tried to talk to her about it but she turns us down.
Mikey: But your her brothers

They both looked down and shook their heads.

Kane: We're her adopted brothers, she found us mutated by the Kraang. Me and Oliver are brothers but she rescued us from the experiments they were going to do to us.

April: Why do you guys keep secrets from us.

Oliver: They weren't ours to tell

To be continued....

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