Chapter 1

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Anna's pov:

"Anna!" I hear Rick calling me. I stop what I'm doing and straighten up.

"What?" I ask, walking over to him.

"We need you to take watch with Carl tonight." Rick says. He wipes the dirt off his face with the back of his hand. "Can you go tell him?"

I'm pretty sure he wants Carl and I to be friends again. It always ends up that Carl and I are put together for things. Carl and I used to be best friends until his mom died. Now he's a jerk and I'm stuck sharing a cell with him because every other cell in the block is filled.

"Ok" I say. I walk into the prison and go to mine and carls cell.

I know what you're thinking. Take watch? Cell? I live in a prison. That would seem unusual for a 14 year old girl if we weren't in an apocalypse of risen corpses. At any moment the dead could eat you. It was the safest place we could find and I now think of it as home.

The group finally treats me like I'm old enough to take care of myself, which I am, but back on the farm they always treated me like I was a baby.

I walk into our cell and Carl is laying on the top bunk reading comic books that Michone got for him.

"Rick wants us to take watch tonight". I inform him. Carl doesn't look up at me, just simply nods his head a little.

After Lori died I just tried to give him his space but after about a month he started being really mean and sometimes just ignoring me.

I sigh and go to the 'kitchen' of the place. Carol is cooking deer meat that Daryl shot yesterday.

"Do you need any help?" I ask her.

"Sure, honey." Carol says. She gives me a job to do and I get to work.

After we finish I hunt down my sister, Maggie.

"Mags, can we go on a run tomorrow?" I ask her sweetly.

"I can probably get Glenn to take us." She replies, squinting a little because of the sun. "What do you need?"

"Some new clothes." I reply. "I'm almost all out of clean clothes now, and none of my pants fit me anymore." I grew out of them last winter, and now that it's getting into the fall months I need new ones.

"We can go to that mall down the highway. Didn't look to crowded last time we passed it. Why don't you ask Carl if he wants to come, he was just saying the other day that he needs new clothes too." I make a face. "Come on Anna, don't be mean, he just misses his mom." Maggie says.

"I know. But he's so rude sometimes. Rick's making me take watch with him again tonight." I tell her.

"Well, just try to be nice." Maggie says sympathetically. "I'll be in bright and early to wake you up tomorrow morning so we can go."

"Ok. Bye Maggie! I gotta start watch now." I say, waving at her as I start to walk over to the watch tower.

"Good luck!" She says, returning the wave.

I give Maggie a smile and make my way up to the guard tower to find Carl already there.

"Took you long enough." he says in a rude voice. I could think of something to say back to him but I hear Maggie's words in my head.

"Sorry I was just talking to Maggie. Maggie, Glenn, and I are going on a run to get new clothes tomorrow. Wanna come with?" I reply sweetly.

"I do need some new clothes." Carl says surprisingly in a non-mean way.

"Be ready early tomorrow morning." I tell him.

And that's the last thing that's said for the rest of watch. I'm not in the mood for him to pick on me right now.

After a few hours Rick comes to take his turn finally. We usually have two different shifts so it's not so hard on just one or two people. We go to our cell and I fall asleep instantly and the nightmares begin.


Maggie comes to wake us up at 6:30. I get up and race Carl to the bathroom. Carl wins.

I go back to the cell and change my clothes while I'm waiting, not bothering to put up the curtain since Carl is in the bathroom and everyone else is asleep.

I put on my black boots that I always wear and a pair of jeans, the only ones that are long enough for me. I'm still in my bra and I turn around to get my shirt and it looks like carls back from the bathroom. Dang it.

He is standing outside the cell blushing. I quickly pull my black t-shirt on.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry." He is now a shade of crimson. Well lucky for him I don't care that much.

"It's fine Carl." I say and brush past him to go find Maggie. She is in her cell getting a backpack ready to take with us.

"Maggie you're never gonna believe what just happened!"

"What?" she asks.

"Carl was being a peeping Tom." I say.
Maggie's eyebrows go up.

"I thought he was in the bathroom and I was changing in my cell and when I turned around to put my shirt on he was standing there." Maggie bursts out laughing and she turns red as a tomato and I can't help but laugh with her.

"Don't tell anyone else, ok?" I ask her.

"I won't, I promise." Maggie says.

"I think I need a new roommate." I really do.

"There isn't any empty cells in this block and there is no one for you to trade roommates with. Sorry Anna you're stuck with the peeping tom." Maggie says.

I go back to our cell and Carl is back to hating me again. I grab my backpack to put clothes in, my gun, and I tuck three knives into my belt. I pull on my army jacket and then I grab some cliff bars from the kitchen and put them in my backpack. I accidentally bang into Carl when I walk back into the cell.

"Watch it." He says harshly.

"Sorry." I mumble.

Glenn walks past me with his bag and says, "You ready to go?"

"I just have to say goodbye to Daddy and I'll come outside." I reply. Daddy is in his cell reading his bible.

"We're going now, bye Daddy!" I say, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, sweetheart. Be careful." Daddy warns me.

"I will." I say and run out the door because they're all waiting for me.

Carl, Glenn, and Maggie are already in the black SUV when I get outside. I climb into the back next to Carl. Carol, who is now on watch, opens and closes the gates for us. Most of the drive is silent except for Glenn and Maggie speaking quietly in the front. After about 45 minutes has gone by I see the front of the mall.


( So this is the first chapter and I know it's kinda short, but it will get better. This is the first story I have ever written


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