Chapter 1 - Our Clam

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Smiling Finn POV

It was Saturday, so my dad and the crew were going to a bar to have some fun. Clearly Madeline and I couldn't go, for we were underage. This left us with a few choices, Madeline opted with going with some fellow female pirates to steal people in the black market. While I, decided to do something rather... stupid. My plan was to head towards the Arronax, wait for Fontaine to take a swim, and just talk to her. Clearly I needed to do this before her family noticed my existence, they sort of hated me. Being a pirate was never in my dream list, but I never wanted to let my father down. After mother died in a car crash while visiting some of her family members, all I wanted was approval. Madeline often saw me as her hero and her favorite pirate, and I wanted to stay that way. Father often saw potential in me, as I grew up he made sure I stayed in a good shape and trained every single day. I trained to be a good fighter and an even better thief, but the thing I want to steal the most is the hardest.

      What I want to steal the most is Fontaine, I want to steal her kisses, her glances, her gorgeous smiles... her everything. She is amazing, and more than a few times she has proven herself to my entire crew. There was this one time one of the pirates got a hold of her brother and she kicked the hell out of him. I got out of my memory lane when I saw Fontaine and Ant leave the Arronax. I was in my diving suit hiding behind some rocks, apparently we were near a newly found corral that apparently had some rare fishes. Ant was ecstatic, he started swimming around, taking photos, and talking with Jeffrey. Fontaine yelled at him to stay close, but Ant didn't waited for her and swam further away. They both had oxygen masks on, their typical wetsuits, and some closed shoes that were used for swimming. As soon as Ant left my eyesight I heard Fontaine groan and get angry at Ant for not following instructions.

      She swam after him, yet she was calm and content with being in the ocean

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      She swam after him, yet she was calm and content with being in the ocean. Clearly I followed her, but since my suit was by far bigger and more notorious I had to stay behind rocks and all. After a few minutes she halted and started looking around, that was when I decided to show myself. She jumped a bit when she saw me but what surprised me was when she blushed deeply. I decided that being closer would be better, and I swam closer to her, she looked so cute blushing!

"Finn?! What are you doing here?!" she yelled, faking to be angry when she realized she was blushing. This made me chuckle, which made her look at me curiously.

"I decided to pay the most beautiful girl a small visit, I know you missed me, just like I missed you" I said as I smirked and swam around her.

"I did not missed you! You probably just want me to pay you attention as your stupid pirate crew tries to infiltrate my submarine!" Fontaine yelled as she placed her hands in her waist. We were both floating, and believe me when I saw she looked adorable while being angry. She was like a small kitten.

"My pirate crew is mostly in the pirate bar and in the black market, today is like a small vacation. We go wherever we want and do just as we desire" I softly said as I stayed behind her, my last word for her was... well an indirect. I loved being near her and frustrating her. I just loved it!

      "Your crew isn't around? Huh, what a miracle" Fontaine muttered as she smiled a bit.

      "Indeed my dear Nekton, so... How about we skip your to-do list and spend some time together?" I asked her as my smirk grew.

      "You think I want to spend time with you? In your dreams!" she scoffed as she swam away from me.

      "Every single night Fontaine" I said as I swam after her.

      Fontaine stopped abruptly when she heard me. I could see her face red and her lips pressing against each other. After a minute or so she simply chuckled and told me to follow her. We headed away from both the Arronax and the corral. After swimming for a few minutes we reached some caves. They were big, and had some areas with oxygen thanks to their shape and some plants that were growing around it and in it. I smiled when we entered one, it was a private moment. It was more than I could ask for, at least for now, we weren't best friends, but we had a special connection. When we reached the edge where water stopped and some rock took its place I saw our beautiful clam.

      "You remembered? Wow" I whispered as I started walking towards it.

      "It is our clam... I made sure we got it reestablished in a place where I could come whenever I wanted. Now you can also come" Fontaine said as she blushed and smiled softly at me.

      "Yeah... Our clam" I whispered as I grabbed her hand in mine.

       My eyes never left her face, this was the real Fontaine. It was  Fontaine that was human, capable of emotions, just like me. I loved her dearly, my heart kept trying to make its way towards her. We were both blushing, holding hands, and I had never felt such a strong urge to kiss anyone before. Now I did, I most certainly did, and I only wanted to kiss her. But both of us had our masks on, mine was more like a huge helmet but... We couldn't. After a while her family called her through the communicator, and we bade farewell.

Seems like I have phantom readers... No worries, we are just getting started! Please do try to like and comment. I love knowing what you think. Also, there are a few factors in my life that affect my story so yeah. Don't be a stranger!

A Love As Deep As The Ocean (Finntaine - The Deep Animated Series - Fontaine)Where stories live. Discover now