"Excuse me?" She asked trying to hide her rosy cheeks. She tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and didn't  look Emm in the eye. I looked at around the table and saw everyone staring at Emmett with their mouths standing wide open.

He stood up and grabbed her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. "I would really love it if you gave me your number." He said smiling hopefully. She pulled her hand away shyly. 

"Why do you want my number?" She asked curiously. "You've never paid attention to me before."

"I've paid very close attention to you for a while." He said. "I just didn't know how to make my move."

"I've seen you with your girlfriends," She said rolling her eyes. "Do I look like the type to fall for that?" He shrugged his shoulder.

"Ask my friends," He said. "No, ask Shawn, she wont lie." She turned and looked at me nervously. I didn't even give her time to ask me anything. I am going to give her the low down and dirty on Emmett.

"He's amazing," I started. "He may not look like much but he's the most protective and loving person you will ever run into." She glanced at him and smiled a little. "Even though you've seen him with a couple of girls, he's not a player. In fact he's never broken up with a girl. He can be an amazing lover and an even better best friend. You have nothing to worry about." I said finishing. Yea, there isn't really much dirty about Emmett.

"See." Emmett said smiling at her. When she looked away, he mouthed thank you in my direction. 

"Don't torture the man," I laughed. "Just give him your number, you wont regret it." She thought about it for a few moments then pulled a pen from her shirt pocket. She tore off one of the order slips and jotted her name and number down. 

"You better be the guy she says you are," She said. "I don't have time for games." Everyone knows she's serious. I don't know if anybody else can see that she's been hurt before, but I can. When she first came to the table she looked like she'd rather be dead, now she looks much brighter and happier.

"I promise." He said placing his hands over his heart. She giggled and took our orders. 

"Emmett is finally gonna get laid!" Ben blurted out when she went to the back. Sara punched him in the arm and glared at him.

"Shut up," She said. "I think it was sweet." She smiled.

"Shawn helped you out there." Mel said. "She described you perfectly." Emm grabbed me and hugged me so tight I couldn'tbreath. 

"Thank you so much Shawn!" He said happily. "I've wanted to talk to her for years, I just didn't know how!" I pulled away from him. 

"You talk to every other girl with no problem," I said with a raised brow. "What makes her so different?" He sat there for a moment thinking.

"I don't know." He said sounding distant. "I've always felt some attraction towards her. Its weird, its like something is pulling me towards her."

"Is that why you other relationships didn't work out?" Mel asked hesitantly. He nodded his head. 

"I couldn't stop thinking about her," He said. "That's why the girls broke up with me. I wasn't into them enough. I'm only into her and I hope she gives me a chance." It seems like the way he feels for her is the way I feel about Cheveyo. He can't find himself being with another woman just like I can't be with anyone but him.

"Shawn, why are you crying?" Sara asked. I touched my face and felt wet tears. I didn't even realize I was crying until she said something. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my face quickly.

"Its nothing." I said. They sat there looking at me with concern. "I'm fine guys, Emmett just brought out my emotional side." I said nudging him a bit. I smiled brightly and everyone seemed to look relieved. A few minutes later, Adrian came back with our food.

"Thank you beautiful." Emmett whispered to her. She blushed and rushed away from the table. He looked a little worried when she rushed off. 

"She's just shy." Asher said. "I've talked to her a few times, she's really sweet." He nodded a little but still looked a little sad. "Call her tonight." Ash suggested.

"What if she doesn't answer." He said sounding doubtful. "What if she gave me a fake number?" I rolled my eyes and looked around for Adrian. She is standing in the corner making coffee. I pulled out my phone and picked the number up off of the table and dialed it. It started to ring. 

I looked back to see her reaching in her pocket for her phone. I smiled as she answered. 

"Hello?" She said trying to hide the fact that she was talking on the phone while working.

"Hey Adrian, this is Shawn." She looked over at our table confused. "Emmett is worried that you may have given him a fake number. I just wanted to show him that you wouldn't do that." She smiled in our direction. Emmett tried to hide himself. He is cheeks look like strawberries. 

"Tell him to call me later." She said giggling and hanging up the phone. 

"Why did you do that?!" He whisper yelled. He isn't mad, but I can tell he's upset. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"To prove a point," I said smacking him in the back of the head. "She said call her tonight." His eyes got big and he smiled excitedly. Then he looked nervous again. 

"OK dude, your being such a chick right now." Ben said. "Stop worrying and be yourself. Obviously we like you enough to bearound you for six years, she'll love you."

"Yea!" Everyone said in agreement. 

"It will be fine." Mel said. "At first I thought Ash was just a emo kid who wouldn't have anything to do with a nerd like me, then I found out that he has liked me for a very long time. Its kind of like You and Adrian." Ash nodded his head.

"I've liked her since fourth grade," He admitted. "That's a long time to hide you're feelings." I wanted to say 'Try being in love with a person for twelve years and not know if he exists.' but I didn't. I didn't feel like talking after this so I just sat back and picked at  my food until it was time to go. I'm so happy for all of my friends but I pity myself. I don't know if I'll ever have what they have.

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