(3) Saved only to be forced to marry. Yay me.

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Hello! (: Sorry for not updating - I had an exam today (history and geog) and let's just say I suck big time. Sigh. Anyway, thanks for voting!!! I feel so happy - 3 votes! Okay srsly some people may not think that it's a lot but to those people who did - thanks, I really appreciate it it means a lot to me. Please vote/comment/become a fan! Oh btw I actually made it to the what's hot list!!! THANKS SO MUCH :D

----- Saved only to be forced to marry. Yay me. ----- Part 3.

I woke up earlier, trying to swallow the fact that last night had been the last time I slept under this roof. My eyes started to water as I tried to memorize every single detail of my room that had been mine for the past 17 years of my life. The crammed dressers and untidy clothes sprawled on the floor. The papers cramming up on Lou's desk.

Those things I would never forget. As much as I hated this idea, I knew that I was doing the right thing. After all, sacrificing your happiness for others is right... isn't it?

I felt my eyes water and I rubbed the traitor tears away, hard, and hopped down from the bed. I glanced over to see Lou still sleeping and decided against waking her up. The dress was hanging on the cupboard, waiting for me and I sighed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water rejuvenated me and snapped me out of my current hazy state. I could think now.But what was there to think about? Phhhh, I told myself.

I spent a while drying and combing my wet hair. For the first time in a while, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The girl staring back at me looked scared and resigned, and there were deep circles under her eyes. Her slightly wet wavy brown hair clung to her body.

I shook my head. I looked like crap.

"Nikki! Are you done? You're taking forever!" Clearly Lou was up already, I must have disturbed her when showering.

"Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my towel and clothes and opening the door. I gasped.

Lou's eyes were red and swollen and the circles under her eyes were even bigger than mine were. Obviously, the both of us hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I gave her a hug, before cramming my toiletries into the suitcase.

There was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I called.

"Nikki, the car is here." Josie stepped in and I gave her a hug. "Thanks for everything, Jodie," I said, meaning it. She hugged me one last time before helping me to carry my luggage out.

"Wait for me!" Louisa came running down the hallway and I turned to give her a final hug. She was crying again and I felt my own eyes start to tear. "Don't forget me," she whispered.

"I promise I won't, I'll call you when I reach okay?" I pulled away and went down to the waiting limo. Jeez this guy is rich. The chauffeur, Karl, helped me to carry my luggage and opened the door for me to enter.

I hugged Jodie and Lou one last time before the car door shut behind me. My eyes were wet and I blinked against the tears, fighting to hold them back.

"Mr Harrison has requested that I pass you these." He shoved me a pink Prada tote, and I opened it curiously. Inside there was an Apple iPhone, a Miu Miu wallet already filled with cash and credit cards and lots of makeup. Lou would have died and gone to heaven if these were hers.

"Where are we going?" I asked Karl, trying to make small talk. He smiled warmly at me and winked. "To see your fiancé. " he replied shortly, and I sighed. Oh yeah, my fiancé. "Will the trip be long?" I yawned.

"I would suggest that you take a rest, Ms James. We won't be arriving for a while." Karl shrugged. I nodded. "Thanks."

The limo was comfortable and before I knew it I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Sleep, delicious sleep.

Saved only to be forced to marry. Yay me.Where stories live. Discover now