Lost and Found

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A/N: Being a huge fan of U2, the song Red Hill Town played in my head as I wrote this chapter. "I'm hanging on. You're all that's left to hold on to..." FInally able to get back to this story. Enjoying the show as well. Hope you are all happy and well. 

“Clarice is still really tired,” I explained to Bonnie. She and Elena watched me from the computer screen as we caught up on Skype. “She came down and had breakfast with her girls. I’m a little worried because up until now, she’s been like unstoppable, super witch and now…”

“Unstoppable, super witch.” Elena chuckled. “Really?”

“Really,” I assured my friend. Bonnie shot her a look too. “You don’t understand, Elena. I’ve seen her stop Klaus and Elijah dead in their tracks. She took on Davina, who was supposed to have the powers of four witches, and twisted Marcel’s vampires like pretzels while she brought them down. She didn’t bat an eye at that.”

Elena mouthed “wow.”

“So the spell she did to save Davina? You think that’s what brought her down?” Bonnie asked, her expression clouded with concern.

I shrugged. All I knew about all things witchy, I knew from Bonnie. “Klaus thinks maybe it’s because of her big fight with Davina and then saving her on top of that.”

Bonnie nodded. “That would certainly make sense. That’s quite a display of power.”

“It really was,” I told them. “I ---“

“Well, well,” Damon’s smirking face crowded into the screen between my friends. “If it isn’t the mistress of Evil herself.”

“Funny, Damon,” I told him.

“Blondie, you and I need to talk,” Damon began, looking strangely flustered. “Do you know how many people are currently staying in my boarding house?”

“Well, it’s a boarding house, right? Is room really an issue?” I tried to keep any snark out of my tone.

Damon’s scowl deepened. “Granted my baby bro is down there in the Big Easy with the lot of you. But in a relatively short period of time, I inherited Elena, her brother, Alaric, Bonnie –“

“Damon,” Elena shot him a glare while Bonnie jammed an elbow in his side.

“Who’s here all the time boinking Elena’s brother, that’s fun,” he went on as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “And then you and the mighty evil one send up a tiny witch, a vampire and a violinist. What the hell? Have you ever seen a vacancy sign here?”

Since the door to our room was open, Kol, with Christine on his heels, dashed into the room to stop behind me where I sat at the vanity.

“Quit your bitching, Salvatore,” Kol advised him. “Besides, we already have a vacancy sign on the front of our home which we’ve renamed the Hybrid Hylton.”

Christine laughed as I hurled a hair brush at Kol’s head. Of course he vamp sped out of the room, easily dodging it, with Christine scrambling to catch up.

“Kol!” Klaus’ voice boomed in warning from our bathroom.

Damon wasn’t put off in the slightest. “Original number four and his mini-me aside,” he went on. “I sincerely hope you’re not planning to send anyone else up here, Blondie.”

“We brought Ric back,” I pointed out. “I thought that would make you happy.”

“I brought Ric back,” mini-me shouted from the hallway.

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