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I was sleeping late, as I usually did on Sundays, when I heard knocking on my door. I groaned. I was dressed in only my underwear and a T-shirt. I quickly put on my sweatpants and ran downstairs. The knocking was louder and harder. I opened the door and rolled my eyes once I saw who knocked.

"Come on, what are you doing here?" I groaned.

"Somebody just woke up." Ashton chuckled.

"We're taking you to Go-Karting today." Calum said. My eyes widened. I never Go-Karted before.

"I'm going to die. Come in, I've got to get dressed." I said and ran upstairs. I brushed my teeth, changed into skinny jeans and a T-shirt and brushed my hair.

"Are we going or not?" Calum asked impatiently, making me laugh.

"I'm coming." I said. We walked to Ashton's car and we were on our way.

It was Sunday so there wasn't many people there. The employees gave us helmets and walked us to Go-Karts, checking if we sat safely in them.

"Guys, that's Mario Kart in real life." I said laughing and they all chuckled. I looked at the colour of my Go-Kart and it was green. I laughed.

"What?" Ashton chuckled.

"I'm Yoshi." I said.

We started driving and it was really fun. I never drove a Go-Kart before but I think I was pretty okay.

When we finished, we went to the girl who was timing us.

"Calum drove the fastest." she said as she was reading results. I lifted my hand up and gave Calum a high five.

We payed the employees and returned to Ashton's car.

"I'm really hungry." Calum said.

"When aren't you?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, you say that." Calum rolled his eyes.

"We can go to my place and order Chinese." Ashton said.


Later, we were back at Ashton's, eating Chinese and watching Netflix.

"Hey, Mads." Luke said.


"Are you happy that you came here, or do you regret everything and just want to go home?" I smiled.

"I am happy. I don't want to go home yet." I said.

"I'm glad you became friends with us." Ashton said.

"Me too." I smiled.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Mike yelled after a few moments of silence. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Every time I played that game it ended up a disaster.

We were sitting in the living room, with a bottle in the middle of our circle. The bottle turned on me and Luke. Of course.

"Maddie." he said. "Truth or dare?"


"No, I want to dare you.

"Luke, I chose-"

"I dare you to kiss the man who delivers us Chinese.

"No!" I laughed.

"You have to!" he insisted.

"I'm not playing dares if we have to kiss people!" I laughed on.

"Come on, you're boring!"

After he said that, the doorbell rang. I looked at Luke and smiled.

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