"What we have to do is help Jimin! He cannot do this alone!" Jung kook replied, looking back at the headquarters again. There were many people running away and that it just build up his anxiety and stress. Seokjin grabbed Jung kook's arm and he begged the male to stop and let it go.

"Jimin is strong, he can handle things himself." Seokjin pleaded Jung kook could hear the sheer desperate tone that Seokjin was using on him. Everything seemed so drowned out, everything was muted around him.

"That's What Taehyung had said before. That he was strong..." Jung kook retorted. Seokjin's eyes widened in disbelief and his eyebrows drooped a little. The soldiers did not want to believe whatever Seokjin had just said, everyone who had said that... disappeared from him.

"We have to go... now! There's no time! The longer we delay it, Jimin would get hurt even more! Wake up Jung kook! You can save everyone if you can let some people do what they have to do!" Seokjin shouted. Jung kook seemed to in a trance and his shoulders slumped. He did want to move, or rather, he could not move a single vein.


Seokjin has to drag him as he was set into a trance where his whole body just shut down completely. Once they have reached Jimin's apartment, Seokjin gave a hearty slap on Jung kook's cheek. The sharp pain had awakened the soldier and he touched his cheek and turned towards Seokjin. He forced out a smile and knock on the door, definitely rushed. His knock was faltered and the door came unlocked Jackson peeled over the heavy-duty door and motioned the two men in.

"Is Mark here?" Jung kook asked, stepping into the apartment. Once he said it, the boy emerged from the hallway, grime covered his face and Jung kook instantly felt relieved. "Good."

He went towards a spare room, opposite of Jimin's, he threw the shield onto the bed and he ripped off his singed clothes. He stood in front of the closet mirror, noticing how his shoulder seemed to get uglier and uglier by the day. It seemed very unsightly, if you just run your fingers near the skin that connected with the metal, you could feel the wires. He saw how damaged his body was, scars were littered everywhere. Jung kook did not remember how it got there. He ignored it and went to pull out a fresh set of clothing from the closet. It was tight fitting, but comfortable nonetheless. He grabbed his shield and got towards the cabinets, pulling out one compartment and collecting the information that has been bundled up neatly. He shoved it in between his arms and met Seokjin out in the living room in his own gear and clothes. The three brothers fanned out against the dining table. Bam busied himself by tying his shoelaces and Jackson was rolling up his sleeves of his jacket.

"We need to leave for Queens. There will be someone we have to meet." Seokjin reminded. Jung kook nodded, placing the shield onto his back, joking it up with his shoulder. Mark looked up and gave a kook that Jung kook could not make out or break down. He quickly turned his head and helped out the rest of his brothers before helping himself on his own gear. Jung kook took a look at his hand, he curled his fingers, and there was soft screech between the joints. He looked up when he heard the door getting unlocked, he saw Jackson pulling open the heavy door and stepping outside. "We're gonna need a car for this. We can't walk all the way there." Jackson commented, folding his arms across his chest.

"Easy for you to say, we are practically targets now. And you... you can just zip around like a little bugger." BamBam argues, blowing a raspberry at Jackson childishly who in turn messed up the younger's platinum locks.

"Hey, stay focused. We can just nick a car when we're downstairs. The prime objective is Queens and quite a long drive from here. The best we could do is have shortstops for supplies." Seokjin planned out, tying a knot on his hoodie. He let out a sigh and exited the apartment, Jung kook did the same. He stepped out, his boot stepped on the marble ground, he glanced at the apartment again, disappointed that he has to leave the homely feeling behind once again. He closed the door and caught up with the rest of the group. They took the lift, so as to not trigger any alarm if deciding to use the emergency exit.

They surrounded a car, BamBam had the bright idea to jump start the car with electricity, it worked, fortunately. Jung kook broke the lock on the side of the doors. They climbed in, the three brothers got to the back and Seokjin got behind the wheel. Jung kook, again, rode shotgun. He slumped down on his own seat and breathed out a loud and tired sigh. Seokjin started the engine, the soft whirring noise filled the still air and Seokjin pressed down the gas pedal and they sped off. He threw his shield and the bundled up information onto the ground in front of him, glancing out of the window from time to time.

"How long till we actually reach Queens?" Jackson asked, peering over Jung kook's shoulder. His fingers were grazing the soldier's neck, in the past, he would get agitated, the touch was ingrained in his mind that it could be a strangle. But now, having people he cared about around him, he did not really care at all. "It's not too long from here, right?" He shifted in his seat and turned towards the three sitting at the back, BamBam started to fall asleep from the slight rock from the car and Mark stayed silent, his arms folded in and looking out of the window.

"Normally it would take forty minutes, but now... there are cameras everywhere. I don't know how they actually work, but they could catch us by using it. We have to take some unnecessary turns to avoid those cameras. " Jung kook explained. Jackson pursed his lips and his eyes wandered elsewhere. "How about I go for tracking duty, I can disable the cameras for you. I will move fast, they won't be able to catch me." He offered. Jung kook was about to consider it, but putting Jackson out there, where he could possibly get killed by a single gunshot did not appeal well to him.

"No, I cannot let you out there on your own. We promised Jimin to take care of you all, not throw you out as bait." Seokjin reminded, braking as they stopped at a traffic junction. He turned and recoiled one elbow to the top of his own seat, one of his arms was draped across the wheel in front of him. "This is for your own safety, I hope you understand."

"Seokjin's right. You are our responsibility and I cannot afford you all to get hurt." Jung kook agreed. Seokjin turned back stepped on the pedal again, driving off and making some turns. Jackson was always beside Jung kook, making comments on the roads and giving some details on how the city was planned out. Granted, he lived there for quite some time, gathering intel whenever he could, understanding the mapping of the vicinity. Knowing that they would have quite a long way to go, Jung kook picked up the reasonably thick stack of papers and flipping through it. He picked a certain page that he deemed important.

"That's the one. The Cipher that we all know..." Jackson added in. Jung kook nodded silently, he flipped to the next printed page and saw the emblem of it stamped at the top. "That's the plans for the massacre... and... no way."

"That's right. They wanted more of me, or rather, more of what made me. They don't have the ingredients... I hid those from them. It's about time I burn all of these." Jung kook supplied, gesturing at the stack of papers. He bit the insides of his cheek and Jackson hummed, slowly nodding his head.

"Hey, you guys haven't told us. Why are we going to Queens either way? We can go back to Brooklyn, they won't look for us there." Jackson enquirer, going to the gap in between the front seats. He cocked up both of his elbows into the top of the seats. Jung kook seemed quite startled by the set of questions being thrown at him. He didn't know how to answer and he glanced at Seokjin for help.

"We are going to Queens because we have two people to find and they might be useful to us." Seokjin explained, turning the wheel and driving into the open road. "Kim Yugeom and Park Jinyoung. Have you heard of them?" Jackson visibly recoiled and his face flashed with uncertainty.

"I don't know if we can convince them..."

SOLDIER // VKOOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora