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"She has demons and he has demons too but together these demons are defeated. It doesn't matter how loud, strong, or unforgiving these demons are, because his love roared indefinitely louder"

 It doesn't matter how loud, strong, or unforgiving these demons are, because his love roared indefinitely louder"

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FLASHBACK continues

She struggled to open her lashes as she felt something is piercing her skin.
She don't know whether it's real or its just a dream. But the intensity of pain inflicted was so high that she had to open her eyes to see what's happening with her.

She moaned in pain when she felt that piercing got deep beneath her skin.

A lone tear escaped as she winced her face.
She saw the surroundings unfamiliar and when she scanned to her right side she saw Neha and Vikram. Behind them there was Shruti.

She could see she has been attached with fluids and some tubes.
And there to her left side there was a person who was dressed in a white apron busy in stitching her wound.

She got up to see what they exactly doing and she could see the doctor busy in suturing her lacerated wound carefully.

Ahhh..a moan escaped from her mouth as the doctor tightened the knot completing the procedure.

"Priya just lay down. It's almost over" Neha helped her to lay down again and Priya felt painful restriction in her movements.

Yes there is something which was restricting her normal movements and she got to know that it's her left elbow which was giving her tough time. She couldn't move it, as it was immobilised with some appliance.

As the doctor applied the dressing and continued to clean the other small abrasions she closed her eyes to suppress the burning effect of tincture applied on her raw wounds.

What happened to her?? She thought.

Yes she had an accident and all she could remember at that moment was her husband's tearful face and the way he was crying after her accident.

But she could recollect something else too, she was constantly warning him not to touch her even in that state. But why she said like that??

Closing her eyes she reviewed what had happened since evening; his marriage announcement, Rajat's proposal, their fight everything.
Yes, how can she forget that; he had played with her emotions and betrayed her trust and that's the reason why she warned him not to touch her even in that condition.

But where is he now?? She thought.
She opened her eyes to search him and there she could see him standing far away from the bed leaning on the wall.

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