Part 16

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"Fool that I am," said he, "that I did not tear out my heart the day I resolved to revenge myself."
-Alexandre Dumas.

"My apologies Mr. Bass, I didn't know who you were. Where is your wife?" I scanned the room looking for a wife.

"She's in New York." He paused for a moment. "With the mayor of New York, whom was my best friend. Nathaniel Archibald." I felt sorry for him, no one deserves that kind of betrayal.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Bass, my son told that both of you would come, that's why I've sent you two invitations."

"Call me Chuck, and you don't have to apologize, my son doesn't know it. Actually no one does, we had a quick divorce, the only thing that I demanded was full custody, which she happily gave it to me." He seemed deeply hurt, and I felt sorry for him, his wife cheated on him, and now he has to raise his son alone.

"Chuck, I'm really sorry for you." I looked at him with sympathy, but I think that he confused it with pity.

"That's in the past now, and you didn't answer my question. Did you like the flowers?" Chuck Bass could seduce any woman with that charm.

"Yes, very much, thank you so much, they're gorgeous." I looked down and blushed, he has that kind of effect on me.

My heart broke a little, by the fact that Ivar didn't sent those flowers. But I couldn't expect much, I didn't gave him my name, he doesn't know who I am.

"I'm really glad that you liked it, I personally picked them for you." I smiled, he's so busy, but he took the time to pick a bouquet for a woman he never met before.

"Chuck, we need to discuss something really important." I remembered that his son invited Henry to the Hamptons.

"You're talking my son's invitation to the Hamptons." He said serious.

"Yes, I believe it's too early. I haven't met your son yet, or his mother for that matter." I tried to be gentle about this, I was happy that Henry has a friend, but I don't know their family.

"Why won't you come with us? We're going there to spend the holidays, and I know that family is important to you, knowing that you're a Francie Occidentale." Everything about him screams confidence.

"Chuck, I don't know. I spend the holidays with my son, just the two of us."

"So am I, our sons are friends now, they even share the same name." We chuckled. "It's natural that they want to spend time together outside of school, and we will see a lot of each other, what do you say?" He smirked.

"Can I think about it?" He nodded.

"I need to get ready, I'll speak with you after the show?"

"I will be waiting Antoinette." He took my hand and kissed it, he made me blush again.

I was walking to the backstage, when I saw Ubbe, Margrethe, Lily and Ivar. I froze, he looked at me, he seemed angry.

"Antoinette, thank you very much for the invitations." Margrethe came to me, and everybody followed her.

"You're welcome, I hope that all of you enjoy the show." I tried to leave.

"Why are you wearing a robe?" Lily said to me, she was genuinely curious.

"I'm closing the show." I said to them, and I look at Ivar, he seemed even more angry.

"That's so incredible, I can't wait. I've always loved your mother clothing line." I could see that Lily was just like Aslaug, she only cared about money and status.

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