Chapter 1: 13 Years later

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13 Years Later

She shakes awake. Her breath heavy. Her bed drenched in sweat. Her heart racing. And Her Ears hidden. It was the same nightmare she has been having since forever. These guys kept chasing her. She kept running and running trying her best to get away. But evenly she would be cornered in an ally. They would slowly walk towards her with all kinda of weapons. She would back away until she hit the wall. She would think this is it. I'm gonna die. They would raise them and she would close her eyes and wait for an impact. They would swing them. Then she would wake up. She would always wake up at 3:35. Usually she would just lie there and wait until it was daylight. But this time she decided to go to Starbucks. Starbucks was about 5 minutes from her house. It was an 24/7 Starbucks. So she rose from her bed and slipped on a jacket and put her beanie on. She picked up her keys and slipped on her TOMS and slowly crept down the stairs. She slipped out the door and got in her car. She drove to Starbucks. She walked up to the counter and ordered her usual. And she took her cup and went to sit down. Then she slowly sipped her drink and closed her eyes. Then she heard the door open. She heard footsteps and she heard who ever it was order. She heard the footsteps get closer. Until they stopped. She opened her eyes and was met with blue orbs. She was startled at first, but calmed after she was met with a lip-ringed smile. The boy in front of her was about her age, she could tell. He had blonde hair that stood in a quiff. "What are you doing at Starbucks at 3:45 in the morning." He asked. She just rolled her eyes. " I could asks you the same thing." she responded. He just smiled. " To answer your question, it was a normal night. I wake up in the middle the night and just want Starbucks. Is It A Crime?" She said. "No, that's totally fine, the same with me. By the way my name is Luke." he said with smile. "Well, Luke, My name is Madison, but you can call me Madi." she said smiling back. They continued to talk and talk. Time flew and it was already 4:30. They ended up exchanging numbers and going their separate ways. " See ya tomorrow. 3:45 sharp." He yelled. She giggled. "I'll see you then, Lucas. Now I bid you a farewell." She yelled back. They got in their cars and drove off. She had a good feeling about Luke. When she got home, she did something she has never done. She Went Back to Sleep. And had a good dream for once.

Hello everyone. Finally the first Chapter is here. I hope you guys are as excited as I am. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya next time.


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