Kam'ron Sanders

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The weekend was finally here and I was hella nervous yet anxious to see how this little picnic date in the house was going to turn out.

I finished up with the last of the food then fixed our plates then sat them on the table as I fixed our drinks then made my way into the room.

My baby was going to be home any minute from hanging out with her bestie and I wanted to be fresh and dressed up to see her reaction.

I walked over to the closet then grabbed what I was going to wear which was something basic, but it was well put together.

I decided on my Khaki skinny jeans and my White button down shirt with my white wife beater underneath it.

Considering we were going to be inside I didn't want to go over the top with my clothes, but I also wanted to look good as well.

I removed my Du-Rag then put it in the drawer then grabbed me a fresh pair of boxers then made my way into the bathroom.

Once inside I turned on the shower set it to warm then got undressed throwing my clothes into the dirty clothes hamper then stepped inside the shower.

I stayed in there for a good minute until I stepped out, dried off, put some lotion on my skin, then slipped on my boxers as I brushed my hair then made my way into the room as I got dressed.

Once I was done getting dressed I put on my silver chain and my silver diamond Rolex that Roe had got me for Christmas then put on my Diamond stud earrings then ran my hands over my face as I looked over my appearance.

Once I was done with that I sprayed on my cologne made by Sean John then took in a deep breath as I made my way back into the kitchen then grabbed the Roses that I bought her earlier then sat them in the vase once I put water in it.

I sat the vase in the middle of the table then walked back into the room as I grabbed the white teddy bear I had bought her then grabbed the pink heart box of chocolates I got from Godiva then sat them by her food then sat down at the table as I waited on my baby to get home.

A good thirty minutes went by as moments later she walked through the door with a couple of bags with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey baby how was your day out with your bestie?" I asked her with a smile as I stood to my feet.

"It was good and aww babe did you get this for me?" She quizzed as she walked over to me with that beautiful smile still planted on her face.

"Yes, all of this is for you baby" I say to her with a smile.

"Aww, I love them baby" she says planting a kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad baby I tried" I say with a smile as I planted a kiss on her lips.

"You know how to keep a smile on my face I love that about you babe" she says as she looked into my eyes.

"Good, I always want to keep a smile on your face at all times that's my job hell that's my number one goal since day one" I told her truthfully as I looked into her eyes.

"Well, you've been keeping a smile on my face and I really appreciate babe I love you" she says to me with a smile.

"I love you too baby" I say as I planted a kiss on her lips.

"I'm about to go wash up and change my clothes I'll be back alright babe" she says to me with a smile as she kissed me back on the lips.

"Alright, beautiful" I say to her as I squeezed her ass softly.

"Hey, watch it big head" she says to me with a light shove.

"Oh, trust me when you walk off I'mma be watching it alright" I say to her with a smirk.

"Boy, you are something else" she says with a shake of her head as she walked off.

I watched her as she walked into the room then sat down at the table as I played around on my phone for the time being as I waited on my future wifey to return to the dining room.

After a while she came walking back into the dining room with a short white fitted dress with some silver thigh high sandals with her hair down in curls.

She had on silver accessories to compliment her outfit as she had three boxes in her hand as she smiled at me.

I licked my lips then bit down on my bottom lip as she made her way over towards me with that bright beautiful smile planted on her face.

"So, papi you like?" She quizzed as she did a complete spin around for me.

"Hell, I like it mami" I say as I licked my lips then pulled her closer to me.

I leaned in then planted a nice little kiss on her lips as she kissed me back. We continued to kiss until she broke the kiss then shook her head.

"Okay, no more before you fuck up my lip gloss" she says to me with a smile.

"Alright, only cause you said so with your real cute ass" I say to her with a smirk.

"Your a mess you know that?" She quizzed as she shook her head.

"Yeah, I know but you love me though so it's nothing" I say with a smirk as I walked her over to her side then helped her sit down as I sat doen across from her.

"Here baby these are for you" she says to me with a smile.

"Alright, thank you baby" I say to her as I took them then sat them down next to me.

"No problem at all babe, but I got something else for you too once we finish eating" she says to me with a smile.

"Oh, yeah what is it?" I quizzed with an raised eyebrow.

"You'll see once we are finished" she says with a smile still planted on her face.

"Alright, bet" I simply say nodding my head as we joined hands then said grace.

Once we were done saying grace we started eating, laughing, and making small talk as my mind wondered what she had planned for a nikka once we were done eating.

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