He Gave Me A Second Chance

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"Faylee",Nashley yells from downstairs.

"What",I yell back.

"Come downstairs now theres people who wanna meet you",she yells again.

With a sigh I get up off of my bed and put on my orange vans then walk down stairs.

"He's in the interview room love walk straight in there",she says pointing to the closed door.

I walk to the closed door and open it and then walk in. When I walk in I see a blonde haired boy looking down at his phone.

"Hello",I say and walk to the chair to sit down."I'm Faylee."

"Sorry love I didn't see you come in I was playing flappy bird on me phone me name is Niall",he says reaching out his hand for me to shake.

Being polite I shake his hand.

"Well what's your age and your story",he ask.

"Well I'm 13 and I umm was just dropped off here when I was a baby on the steps",I explain.

"Oh I'm so sorry love well would you mind if I adopted you",he ask.

"Umm no I would be delighted for you to adopt me",I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Well okay go pack your bags and please hurry we are leaving for America tomorrow and we still have to go shopping",he tells me.

America?I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I walked back up stairs to my room and quickly packed my bag.What am I kidding I stuffed all my stuff in a bag and took off down stairs.When I reached the bottom stairs Niall was waiting down stairs.

"Ready",he ask.

"Yep",I reply popping the p.

He leads me to the car and takes my bag and puts it in the trunk.I get in on the passenger side while he gets in on the driver side.

"So why are we going to America",I ask him.

"Because me and me band are touring there",he says like I knew he had a band.

"Band",I ask.

"One Direction",he says.

"Wait your omg Niall Horan is my dad",I fangirl.

I hear Niall laughing.I can't believe I didn't recognize him damn I'm blind.

"Now you know that's pretty funny",he says.

"Whatever I was just faking like I knew you",I say lying.

"So how you know my last name huh",he ask.

"A guess",I say.

"Whatever we are going to the mall",he say while pulling into the mall.

We get out of the car and he puts on sunglasses and a hat.I follow him and into the mall.

"So what store",he ask.

"Umm I don't know they usally just gave me hand me downs",I tell him.

"Oh okay well my girlfriend likes Forever 21 so let's go there",he says dragging me by my arm.

Once we get there he stops straight infront of the store.

He whispers in my ear,"Don't say anything but Louis and his girlfriend Elonour are here."

I shake my head and follow him into the store.

"Louis",Niall whispers just so he can hear.

"Oh hey Niall what are you doing here",he ask.

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