What He Brings On Tour To Remind Him Of You

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Murr: He always bring a tiny bottle of your perfume, with him. He says that whenever he smells it, he thinks of you, and it makes him perform his best.

Sal: He chooses to take his hoodie, that you always steal from him. He wears it basically the whole tour, and says that every time he wears it, he can smell your scent. It also reminds him of you curling up next to him on the couch, wearing the hoodie, and looking adorable.

Joe: He brings a picture of the two of you, on your first date. He lies it on his pillow, next to him, when he sleeps. Joe also brings the photo on the tour bus, with him. He says that the photo brings him happiness, while on the long bus ride, to the next tour destination.

Q: He brings your New York Yankees baseball cap, with him. Both of you have matching hats, ybut he says that yours always gives him good luck. He likes to wear it during shows, because it makes him feel like you are by his side, watching him as he performs.

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