When He's Jealous(When He ALSO Confesses)

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*Severus's POV*

Even though the three of us had made up to each other, it doesn't stop Lockhart from flirting with (Y/N) every now and then. But the problem is that she goes along with his antics! Yes, technically we aren't an official couple, but it's annoying!.....Only I should talk to her that way(-_-)*.......
And speaking of the flirt, here he goes again with the flirting while we are all having breakfast. "Are you from France because MaDAMN!" he exclaimed. (Y/N) bursts out in laughter and LEANS ON HIM.....

*Gilderoy's POV*

Ever since we all made up, (Y/N) and I have become good friends. Now every time I flirt with her, she goes along with it! "Are you from France because MaDAMN!" I exclaimed. (Y/N) starts laughing and leaning on me as I laugh along with her. But, the moment doesn't last long before I felt like I was being watched. I turn my head only to see Snape at his seat glowering......and growling......and unknowingly crushing his goblet that was in his hand.

Looking back at (Y/N), I realized why he was aggravated. 'He is SO jealous!' I thought to myself. Then, I hatched a plan. "Miss (L/N), I know we just became friends, but I realized that Hogsmeade weekend is close by. I am now wondering if you would like to accompany me to Hogsmeade?" I exclaimed loud enough for Snape to hear. And sure enough, he stood up, pushing his chair so far it fell back, and stomped toward us.

"That won't be necessary, Professor Lockhart. She is already going to Hogsmeade with ME!" he growled out.
"Wait, I am???" Poor (Y/N) was stuck in the middle again with bewilderment! "Yes...you are.....so she is going to have to decline your invitation, professor." I act afraid, but on the inside, I'm smirking. "O-Of course. Forgive m-m-me, Snape!" I cowered. He stares at me for a moment before he spoke, ".........It is alright. Now if you'll excuse me, (Y/N) and myself must go over today's lesson plans." He drags her away by her arm gently. She turns her head to me to see her face in a questioning manner, but I just shrugged and smirked.

Severus will thank me later!

*(Y/N)'s POV*

'OKAY....what the heck??' I thought to myself as Severus pulled me away to our classroom. When we finally stop, I pulled my arm back and crossed my arms now irritated. "What was that?!" I interrogated him. "What was "what", (Y/N)?" he countered. I glare at him, "You know what I'm talking about, Severus! Why did you pull me away when Gilderoy was speaking to me?!" He crossed his arms now and glared back. "It sure wasn't "speaking", more like "FLIRTING!!" And I was going to ask you to accompany me!................ And.......I............didn't...like it.......when you..........pay......more....attention...to him............than................................me....


"Severus, were you.....jealous?" I asked him, my voice softened and shock written on my face. The only answer I got was a blushing mess looking down at his feet and playing with his cloak. I couldn't help myself, but I burst out laughing. "Stop it! It's not funny!" Severus yelled out, embarrassment shown on his face. I tried to stop, but the thought seeped into my mind again and so I continue to laugh.

*Severus's POV*

I couldn't be more embarrassed in my life! "(Y/N), please stop! You're making me embarrassed now!" I pleaded. She finally stops laughing, only giggles escapes her lips. "A-Alright! I'm-I'm calm, n-now," she barely stuttered out. She stands upright,  breathing in deeply amd letting it out.

"Why were you jealous? Gilderoy and I playfully flirt like that now ever since we made up!" "W-Well..." I began. ".......I-I thought he would t-take you away from m-m-me! When you two were flirting, I-I was angry because I wanted to be the one you flirt with! I wanted to be the one that makes you laugh.....and makes you show that....breath-taking bright smile that could put the sun to shame...." (Y/N) blushes, but I continued. 'This is now or never!' I thought to myself.

".......I want to be the one that will hold you in my arms for warmth and protection. I want to be the one that you can talk to when you are sad, scared, angry, or alone. I want to be the one that you think about that makes you smile........that beautiful smile that I want to see everyday. I want to be a part of your life....because you ARE in mine! I-I-I guess what I'm t-trying...t-to say i-is..." I close my eyes tightly and take a deep breath in, turning my head slightly downwards.

".....I love you, (Y/N). Will you be my girlfriend?"

I finally said it. 'Holy Merlin, that was exhausting! I can't believe I didn't stutter!' I thought to myself. I hear nothing but my beating heart and my rapid breath. It is silent for a moment until I look up to see (Y/N) blushing beet red, but she says nothing. "C-Can you say something....please?" I asked her desperately. She snaps out of her moment before she speaks, "I-I-I'm sorry, S-Severus! I-I j-just don't know w-what to say!"

"You can act it out, then," I suggested and quickly shut my eyes tight. This is sort of pushing my luck. One, because this could be good or bad; and Two, because it could be sweet or painful. 'Please don't slap me, please don't slap me, plea-' My thoughts were cut short when I'm startled by a pair of soft, sweet lips. I shot my eyes open and look down to see (Y/N) kissing me..........

'HOLY MERLIN SHE IS KISSING ME!!!' I joyfully screamed in my head.

I shyly kiss back, wrapping my arms around her whole frame. Now, I'm fully relaxed as our lips met again and again. 'She feels so soft, and she tastes so good! I don't ever want to stop,' I thought to myself. After one more kiss, both of our faces were beet red and our breaths were shaking. I lean my head forward for more, but (Y/N) leans back and giggles softly and spoke, "Does that answer your question, Severus?" To dazed to speak, I only nod my head slowly. She giggles softly and leans her head towards my lips. Before they could meet again.......


I freeze at the sound and I snap my head towards the door.......................



*Narrator's POV*

Everyone froze in place, all with red faces. Before Snape could say anything..........."GET SOME!!!" shouted Harry and Draco. At that statement, everyone ran away from the entrance laughing and screaming "SCATTER!!!", "THE SHIP IS NOW SAILING!!!" or "OTP!!!" with a fuming Severus right on their tails! Meanwhile, (Y/N) is standing frozen in her spot, blushing profusely with a smile on her face.

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