Chapter Five

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"Cool" Wade said as his eyes beamed at the how door opened. "Did you see that the door went all swoosh." Wade said shaking Peter.

"I know i seen this open a thousands times already this is nothing new. And quick shaking me!"

"Oh sorry i'm just excited that's all." Wade said letting Peter go.

"So are we going in?" Peter askes

'I'm didn't ask you to open it just to stare at it from the outside."

"Peter i'd like to tell you once again that this is horrible idea and your parents aren't going to be happy about this.

"I doubt they'll even notice." Peter says ignoring Wade pleads to go inside.

"Still i don't think this is an good idea"

"It's not like there here!" Peter yells causing Wade to jump and look at him with concern eyes Peter hated this.

"Hey Peter let's go. Okay" Wade said lightly tugging on his arm.

"Yeah okay" Peter said looking up to see wade's smile he doesn't smile a lot so Peter just assumed he was smiling to make him feel better. So he smiled a shy smile back to comfort him.

They walked in the together hand in hand why because wade's a scaredy cat. "This place looks so cool i just hope nothing comes out and attacks us." Wade said looking around making sure not to touch anything.

"Yeah it is." Peter said letting go of Wade's hand and walked towards a table with equipment. "I'm pretty sure they won't attack you through." Peter said. Picking up one of his dad iron man hands. Wade walked to peter's side too afraid to touch anything. "How can the person who wanted to come so badly not want to touch anything."

"I'm not afraid i just realize how dangerous it is to be in here." Peter shrugged "Want to draw instead"

Wade sighed "Do we have too?"

"It's better than staying in here since one of the equipment just might attack you but you want to stay here than be my guest." Peter said as he began walking out. Wade stood there for a moment waiting in the room alone made him feel uneasy. "Fine Peter we'll draw" He said walking out.

"You've made an good choice master Peter" Peter smiled "Yeah i couldn't let Wade keep getting me in trouble for ever."


"What's it's true." He said handing Wade a piece of paper what are you going to draw.?"

Wade took the paper. "You'll know when you'll see it" Wade snapped while Peter smiled back. "I'm going to draw a superhero costume i would want in the future maybe you should too if you don't have any ideas." Peter said turning back towards his drawing as he smiled when he heard mumble a "Fine"


When Tony and Steve returned home they was left with two kids sleeping with pictures of what they wanted to be. Steve smiled at the sight as he picked up one of there drawing of them together. "It seems like they really like the idea of red and black." 

"Is that what you're getting out of this because what i'm getting is that this kid-"


"What?" Tony said looking at Steve. 

"His name is Wade"

"Does it matter all i know is this Wade-kid is too close to Peter." Steve walked beside him "Is that really a problem. Wade is his friend."

"I know but i don't trust him"

"What are so afraid of?" Steve pushes.

"What if he likes him Wade isn't exactly the image of a good kid."Steve chuckled. "Is that what you're worried about. Peter is just a kid so i don't think you need to be worried about that now.


"So why are they never there?" Wade asked as he and peter sat at the lunch table with Johnny,Gwen and Harry. Peter just shrugged as he bit into his apple. "There superheros they have to save the world and stuff. "Gwen said. "They don't have time for that normal stuff." She continued despite no on asking her to she wanted to prove her point. 

"Yeah because that makes sense" Wade mumble his under his breath. "So you met them?" Harry asked. "Yeah they wasn't all that they cracked up to be." Wade said attempting to look cool while Peter tried his best not to start laughing. The others watched Peter struggle in confusion all while Wade just glared at him.

"Are we missing something?." Johnny spoke up. "No!" Wade said quickly as chocking died down. "Okay...." Johnny began awkwardly looking at the two. "Superheros are cool" Harry stated. "Why are we always talking about superheros." Wade grumbled. "Well it's because Peter's parents are superheros so it's hard to talk about anything else." Gwen said.

"I bet that's Peter feel great to know that his parents are always the subject of conversation." Wade said. Everyone eyes slowly found there way to Peter. "I guess I've never thought of it like that. Peter I'm sorry does that hurt you're feelings."

Peter looked around aware of what going on he just didn't know how to respond he was never asked before they just did it he was already so used to it. "Um Gwen it's okay i mean i don't mind."

"But you're lying." Wade said obtaining a glare from Peter face.

"How do you think so? You make it seems like you know Peter more than we do." Harry said. 

"I don't i know that but with the little time I've spend with him i know that this subject bothers him" Wade himself was confused as to why he was helping peter so much. Maybe it was because of what he said and how he looked.

'It's not like there here!' Wade looked at peter across from the lunch room table as his words echoed though his head. 

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