Weaponized part 2

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The sun was setting as Liam slowly made his way through the chaos at the school. He had been sitting at home, staring off with a million thoughts racing through his mind, when Mason had called him and told him that he had heard something was happening at school. Liam remembered that Scott and the others were all heading here for their PSAT's and began running over before Mason could finish. His eyes widened at all the police and CDC personnel running around. There were parents and other curious people that were all being kept back by some barricades.

"What's going on?" he asked a parent next to him.

"I don't know. They say that people are getting sick with some kind of plague. The whole building's locked down."

Liam's breath fell out of his lungs. "What about the people inside?" he asked.

"They're not saying anything."

Liam then began to move passed everyone and started to try and crawl under the barricade but he was quickly intercepted by Parrish.

"Whoa, whoa. You have to stay back."

Liam tried to see around him. "I have to get in there."

"Liam!" Liam and Parrish looked over to see that the Sheriff was moving over to them. "I got this one Parrish."

Parrish stood down and Liam ran over to Stiles' father. "Sheriff, what's going on?"

"Come with me." He pulled Liam away for some private words. "You shouldn't be here Liam," he whispered to him as he led him off.

"But Scott, Stiles, Malia and Kira are in there," Liam argued.

But Sheriff Stilinski held his hand to stop him. "Yeah, I know," he said stiffly. "Believe me Liam, I understand that you want to go in there and help them but we can't. Especially not you."


"Liam, what I'm about to tell you is breaking more than a few rules but I think this case more than warrants an exception. Officially, the school is under quarantine because of a virus."

"And unofficially?" Liam asked.

"The people are falling ill in there because someone is using a viral weapon. One specifically for werewolves."

Liam's face paled as he stiffened a bit. "You don't mean-"

The Sheriff nodded. "An assassin hoping to cash in on the Deadpool. You shouldn't get to the school Liam, we can't have you getting infected too."

"Scott, Stiles, the girls, are they-?"

He shook his head. "I don't know," he sighed out. "They're not letting anyone but CDC personnel in and all communications have cut off so I can't even call to check." But then his eyes widened. "Liam, do you think can hear inside for them?"

"You mean, listen for their voices?"

He nodded. "Stiles and Scott do it all the time."

"I don't know." Liam hadn't learned how to do that yet. He looked to the school and tried to let his hearing pick up their voices, but all he heard were the loud voices of all the people around them talking, loud banging noises of people moving equipment around or shutting doors. It was all blended together and was barely making sense to him. And they were getting louder and irritating to his ears. Liam's scrunched his eyes shut and shook his head to block it out. "No," he gasped out as moved to cover his ears.

"You don't hear them?"

"I can't, I hear everything. There's just so much."

The Sheriff held his hand to him. "Okay, enough Liam. Stop, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

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