Everything's Better In Purple (Aphmau Pt. 1)

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In the spirit of this being about my-street, of course we are starting with Aphmau. Hope you enjoy!



(Your P.O.V)

Leaving home. Leaving my friends. Leaving her.... That was 5 years ago, and now I am finally coming back home. I know no one will remember me but i want to reconnect with all of them. I've missed them and i hope they have to.

I stop writing in my log book and get out of the moving van. Our old house on my-street!!! I can't believe mom let us move back. I start grabbing boxes to take up to my room when i hear someone yell "Hey new kid" as i see a blonde hair boy, and blue haired boy, and a white hair boy.

Garroth, Dante, and Travis.... My 3 best friends in the world. Man guess they didn't remember me.......

All three come up and start introducing themselves but i cut Garroth off mid sentence.

"Hi my name is Garr-"   

y/n "Hey my name is y/n... we met a long time ago but you guys must not remember me hu?"

As i said that sentence I see all of there faces light up with a spark of revelation. Garroth is almost in tears. They all ran to me yelling "Y/N!!" before tackling you in a group hug. 

y/n" Guys i missed you to.... really"

Garroth " i can't believe you are really back!"  

Travis" Yeah man you wont believe everything that you missed... ~and how much someone missed yo-"

Travis was cut of by Dante elbowing him and saying  "Anyway when are you going to tell everyone else that you're back?"

y/n "I was planning on doing it after i got done unpacking all my stuff. why?"

Dante look at the boys and they all nodded as if they knew what he was thinking.  They all grabed boxes and start carrying them in.

Garroth "then lets get this done and over with so you can finally come home to us!"

When Garroth said that i almost teared up. And everyone wounder why i missed these guys so much. 


As they started walking into the house I saw mom tear up. She seemed happy that I had made friend that still remembered me after so long. She greeted them all and after a bit, all the boxes where in my room and ready to be unpacked.  

Dante "so where are we going to start?"

y/n " We'll "start" by going to say hi to everyone. Text everyone to go to Garroth's house and wait for you guys. And thanks you guys... for all the help. " 

All three  "No problem bro." 

(Time skip to Garroth's house)

It felt so good to see people walking though that door and lighting up as they saw me. Lucinda, KC, Zane, Katelyn, Kim, Vlyad, all of them.. but one. One person still hadn't shown yet.  

Katelyn "So i am guessing SHE still doesn't know you're hear right?" she say interrupting my thoughts. 

y/n "No she has no clue. Why are you putting it like that though? Is something going on"

KC "Nothing to big hehe" oh god what did they do?

Then the door opens. I see my favorite person in the world, eye big and mouth dropped, crying in the door way looking right at me. 

I look strait at her with tears in my eyes and say "I'm home"  

Aphmau "Y/N" she screams as she jumps into my arms for a hug. 

y/n "seems you haven't changed one bit potato" i say almost baling.

Aph  "shut up and let me hug you" she says laughing through tears of joy"

So that's what we did. With everyone sitting there watching us. But we didn't care. I didn't care in the slightest. I finally got my best friend back. This is probably the best day of my life.  




Then he walks in........


And that's it. Part on of the Aphmau short story is done. I dont know when or if i will continue this story but i know i want to. So if you do read it and like it share it around so i can get more reads.  

Other then that i hope you enjoyed part 1!


(716 words)

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