Get Back Up

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I will be using storylines from the show but I will not be following cannon strictly.

Song is Get Back Up by tobyMac

"I hid it all. Deep down. I buried the worries and all the fears. I choked back the what ifs and I concentrated on the positives. I trained myself to smile without prompt and I forced my happiness upon the world. I could never figure out how to place that smile in my eyes...but that's ok. That's where everything is buried-----and few people looked for me there."


You turned away when I looked you in the eye,

And hesitated when I asked if you were alright,

Seems like you're fighting for your life,

But why? oh why?

Wide awake in the middle of your nightmare,

You saw it comin' but it hit you outta no where,

And theres always scars

When you fall back far

Ever since Savannah had confided in Owen it was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Though the nightmares continued; they consumed of Logan finding her in Seattle she found herself for the first time since she could remember feeling as though things were looking up.

She continued to bury herself in her work. The hospital became her safe haven. Her work as a doctor and a surgeon meant the world to her. She often felt that was all she had in the world.

Savannah was absorbed in her thoughts but that didn't stop her from noticing her surroundings. Mainly Mark Sloan. Mark Sloan flirting with a couple of nurses, who all batted their eyes at the handsome plastic surgeon. She rolled her eyes at the scene; which caught the man's eye as he left the woman he was speaking with and walked over to the brunette.

"Don't you have some shameless flirting to do?"

"Jealous sunshine," he smirked.

"In your dreams Sloan," she smiled.

"How'd you know," he winked.

She was lost. Lost in his eyes, his smile, his words. It was as if for a split second they were the only two people to exist. But then reality came crashing down.


Mark furrowed his brow confused.

"No he can't be here," her face full of fear.

"Who can't be here? What's going on?"

"Logan," she whispered before she ran.

Savannah sat in Owen's office; the one place she felt safe at the moment. Owen had spoken to security to be on the lookout for the man. They reviewed the security tapes and found nothing.

"How did he know I was here?" she questioned out loud.

"Savannah," Owen started.

"You told me I was safe here."

"You are," he told her, "We found nothing on the footage. I don't think he was here."

"I saw him Owen. I saw him."

"What if you didn't?"

"You think I'm crazy. That I hallucinated him?"

"I think you've been through a lot lately and with what happened with Elizabeth you've been thinking about him lately."

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