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Betty and Veronica walked up the steps of the school which lead to the entrance. They slowly made their way to the entrance, ending up inside the busy hallway.

"So I usually start of my tours with a little history and context. Riverdale high first opened it's doors in 1941 and..." Betty was cut off by Veronica.

"...and hasn't been redecorated since apparently." Said Veronica as she looked around. "Honestly, I feel like I'm wandering through the lost epilogue of Our Town."

They both laughed, instantly alerting Courtney on where they were.

"Ronnie, Betty." Courtney smiled. "I've been looking for you guys."

"Courtney," Veronica smiled back. "So what's the social scene like here? Any nightclubs?"

"A strip club called the Hoe Zone and a tragic gay bar called Innuendo." Kevin said as he butted in the conversation and began to list all of the events that take place here.

"Friday nights, football games and then tailgate parties at the mallmart parking lot. Saturday night is movie night, regardless of what's playing at the bijou, and you better get there early because we don't have reserved seating in Riverdale. And Sunday nights..." Kevin finally paused, putting his arm round Betty.

"...thank god for HBO." Kevin sighed happily.

"Veronica Lodge, Kevin Keller." Betty introduced them."Veronica's new here. Kevin is..."

"Gay, thank god, lets be best friends." Veronica smiled as she held her hand out and shook his hand.

"Kev!" Courtney squealed, no longer able to contain her excitement.

"Courtney Ana Forsythe Pendleton I" Kevin gasped as he looked her up and down. "Your skin is flawless and those booties! Oh the boots!"

"Kevin!" She pouted. "Don't say my full name in public."

"Pendleton?" Veronica asked.

"You don't want to know," Courtney sighed making her chuckle.

"Is it true what they say about your dad?" Kevin asked Veronica, earning a look from Betty.

"That he's the devil incarnate? I stand by my father. Does everyone here know?" She asked, crossing her arms and waiting for a reply.

Instead she was met with a silence, however this silence seemed to answer her question anyway.

"Wonderful, ten minutes in and I'm already the Blue Jasmine of Riverdale High." She sighed.

"What?" Courtney frowned. They just continued to walk down the hall as Betty spoke about events and other stuff.

"Oh, and of course there's the Back-to-School semiformal dance this weekend." Betty explained, seeming happy. "Oh!"

All of a sudden Veronica grabbed Betty's arm, making them all halt in their spot to see what was going on.

"There's the hottie we were with last night. The red-headed Ansel Elgort. Is he your boyfriend?" Veronica asked, referring to Archie, who was standing by his locker.

"No, he's straight." Kevin said as Betty said, "No, we're just friends."

They all laughed at Kevin's comment, before settling down at Veronica's words.

"In that case, mind putting in a word?" Veronica asked. "I've tried every flavor of boy but orange."

"Actually, to clarify... Betty and Archie aren't dating, but they are endgame." Kevin said, making Courtney and Veronica frown.

'Well that's news to me. Since when did she have a crush on Archie?' Courtney wondered.

"You should ask him to the semiformal then." Courtney said, shrugging.

"She should, but I heard it might be getting canceled. Because of what happened to Jason." Kevin said. "They're gonna tell us at the assembly."

"Who's Jason and what happened to him?" Veronica asked, making Courtney frown for a third time.

'How doesn't she know about Jason Blossoms death? It's literally the talk of this small, secretive town.' Courtney thought.

Let's go to assembly, there's about five minutes, we might as well get best seats." Courtney said as the others nodded.

"Let's go." Kevin said as the four of them walked down the hallway, heading to the main hall.

Sorry for not being able to update :( It was my birthday on November 26th and my friend broke her ankle at my birthday party :0 it was so bad :( I don't know what to do when people cry so I was really awkward but she's my bestie and I love her to pieces <333

— Sofia xx

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