Chapter Twenty-five.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Jimin chuckled, bringing her forward until he could place his head on her shoulder, face in the crook of her neck. Sana shivered slightly, but smiled nonetheless, moving her arms to wrap around his neck.

"Mm, tiring. It was okay, had more than usual appointments and meetings today. I'm kind of exhausted," he muttered, lips brushing slightly against her tender skin as he spoke, sending small tingles across her skin, breath warm and ticklish on her skin.

"Kind of exhausted," she echoed, laughing a bit. "Are you free to go? I mean– no more meetings or anything?" She asked, humming when he shook his head no against her neck, arms wrapping more tightly.

They stood like that for a while, enough for Sana's legs starting to feel slightly numb, needles pricking the soles of her feet. Slowly, she prompted him to move, moving her head to face him.

"Hey, come on. Let's go, alright? I fret you might end up sleeping in the same position," she spoke, voice soft and slow, careful.

"Not a bad idea, really," he mused and Sana laughed, gently pushing against his chest.

"Let's go."


Jimin was, in all ways, perfect.

Sana couldn't fight off her soft smiles when he'd help someone in need, stop his car to help an elderly woman pass, sending small smiles and waves to children, he was kind. So kind.

Dimly, she wondered how in the ever loving heck had she met him, ending up here. It was kind of dizzying, kind of satisfying, kind of filling her with a sense of security and happiness– he was hers, and she was his.

Even now, as he walked inside his penthouse, fingers entangled with hers, she couldn't help the happy smile off of her face.

Park Jimin was endearing.

Tired enough to not glance at anything in general, he ruffled his hair, not caring in any way about his hair messed up.

She liked it fluffier, not styled too much, anyway.

Sana knew what he had in mind, for she had it too.

It was almost a routine.

Tiring days, small phone calls, quick texts before work, and then– meeting by the end of the day. She knew how it ended, memorised it way too well.

Quick showers, shy smiles, lazy, languid make-out sessions, late night snacks, small but meaningful conversations, and then sleeping in a tangled mess of limbs.

It was like that. And she loved it. Knew he did too.

She had known so much about him in four months than she could've about anyone. He was full of surprises, full of love and affection, not scared to give as much as he received, and confident– in his own ways.

Her mind was surrounded by a cloudy haze as she showered, warm and nice, putting on one of his oversized shirts– all of his clothes were too big for her, she liked it– and her own shorts.

By the time she was done, Jimin was already in bed, arm tucked beneath his head as he stared at the ceiling. Sana padded slowly towards him, smiling when she slipped in right next to him and he turned to face her, bringing an arm to her waist.

"I saw someone today," he started, shuffling closer until Sana had her head tucked under his chin, legs already tangled.

She hummed, prompting him to talk further as they made themselves comfortable.

"She reminded me of someone, looked vaguely familiar, though I can't be sure. But she did look at me closely too, I'm sure I've seen her around my mother when I was little," said Jimin.

He was the kind of person to not really observe everyone around him, but if that lady had caught his attention, Sana was sure she must've been around him for him to do so.

"Are you sure? Where did you see her?" She asked him. He was quiet for a while, then sighed, shrugging the best he could in his position. "Outside the office building," he replied.

"Maybe you can wait and see if she comes around some other time too? And if she does, you can talk to her. Who knows, maybe she really was someone close to your mother, and came here to see you," she spoke, moving back to face him, both laying on their sides.

"Yeah, maybe," he nodded, closed his eyes for a moment, and then sighed again, bringing his hand up to rub his face. "I'll deal with it later, but for now.." he trailed off.

"For now?"

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, all sweet and– perfect. Sana's heart swelled with affection.

"Do you really even need to ask?"

He chuckled. "Let me kiss you, gosh."

And then that was that. She sighed, melting into the kiss.

He was always gentle at first, nibbling on her bottom lip, fingers pressing against her hips, teasing little touches. When they parted, Sana chased his lips, glancing up at him.

Jimin blinked. Once. Twice. Leaned down to leave a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses along her jaw, right below her ear, sucking gently, leaving a subtle mark before coming back up, pressing a lingering kiss to her cheek. It made Sana's toes curl.

"You always taste sweet, Sana. Why are you so sweet? Goodness–"

He leaned in again, smiling against her lips when she gasped. It was his thing– making her gasp, eliciting sweet little sounds from her, kissing her more deeply. It was him.

Sana was kind of in love with him, anyway.

Sure, it was one thing that she hadn't voiced that out yet– 'too early'– and he was content in simply having her by his side, never asking for more.

The words were always on the tip of her tongue, yet she always backed out whenever she was foolish enough to try and tell.

Soon enough, his tongue met hers, curling sweetly, tasting every well-memorized inch and curve of her mouth. His hand curled against the back of her neck, drawing her closer.

They kissed till late, kissed till their lips were red and swollen, mouths kind of numb and jaws kind of exhausted, until the need to sleep overpowered the desire of kissing each other, until they fell asleep, tangled under soft sheets with lazy smiles and happy minds and clear thoughts. 

It was kind of too much goodness all at once, and it scared her.

But she liked– loved it.


Too many 'kind of's in this chapter, but that's the whole goddamn point.
And I kind of want to throw myself into the sea, or out of a window, really.
/goes to sleep instead/

Evanescent | Park Jimin. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ