To My Boyfriend(BangLyz)

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''What's your name, little puppy?'' Yein giggled again.

''His name is Ringo.'' The owner of the puppy, who was taking him for a walk, answered before he kneeled down to reach the eye level of the two kids. ''Where are your parents, children?''

''They're at home, we just got released after a long day of school.'' Yein replied as she patted the puppy again and again. ''Mister, how old is Ringo?''

''He's only three but how about you two? Aren't you two a little too young to walk home alone?'' The owner raised his eyebrow as he was getting a little concerned.

''We're only 6 years old but we sure are smarter than we look!'' Yein nodded her head eagerly. ''Mama taught me well and told me not to talk to strangers and to come home after school!''

''But aren't you doing the opposite of what your mama told you?'' The owner chuckled after he heard her answer.

Yein gasped as she got a little embarrassed before scratching her head and chuckling awkwardly whereas Jungkook had an awkward facial expression as if he got caught in a lie.

''Yein, we need to go home now!'' Jungkook tapped on Yein's shoulder. ''Thank you for reminding us, mister.''

''Yes yes we need to go so bye bye Ringo and bye bye mister!'' Yein smiled as she waved her hand to them.

''Bye bye.'' Jungkook whispered as he walked along Yein to their way, home.

The two continued their way, home and looked around the sights they got to see on the streets they walked.

''Jungkook! Jungkook!'' Yein had this habit of tugging on his shirt whenever she wanted him to look at her.

''Yes?'' Jungkook turned his head to show that he was listening.

''Can I ask you a question?'' Yein questioned as she blinked her eyes, making Jungkook to nod his head at her. ''Do you think I'm pretty?''

Looking at my lips, please don't be hesitating

Jungkook could feel his cheeks turning hotter as he blinked his eyes in awkwardness and swallowed his saliva after hearing her question, certainly making him feel shy and not really knowing how to answer her question.

''YA, Do you think I'm pretty?'' Yein tugged his shirt as she asked even more louder.

''Why do you ask?'' Jungkook asked her as he was curious where did this question come out of nowhere.

''I heard some girls say my eyes are too small and my legs are fat.'' Yein's eyes fell down to the ground. ''Am I really that ugly?''

''What makes you think that?'' Jungkook observed her sudden changed behaviour.

''Maybe it is true.....'' Yein's voice softened as she walked slowly to her house, which wasn't far.

''Hey, are you sad?'' Jungkook walked along the sad girl.

Yein didn't answer as she looked at the ground, feeling quite hurt that what people say about her could be true since her own friend didn't even answer her back so maybe it is true. Yein felt sad that her question wasn't answered hence didn't feel like her normal bubbly and cheerful self anymore.

''We're home now.'' Jungkook saw that he was in front of his house, which Yein's house was next to. ''Bye Yein.''

Jungkook noticed Yein just walking ahead with her body looking quite dead looking from what he normally saw from her hence feeling really terrible for her. Jungkook gulped his saliva since he knew that he had to do something to change this behaviour of hers.

BangLyz Song Inspired Oneshots and Drabbles!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu