The Tumor

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Chapter 27
Rachel's pov:
"Finn?" I said looking at him .

"We're having a girl?" He asked me softly .

I bursted into tears and said ,

"We're having a girl."

"And you're going to marry me ?" He asked me .

"Yes, I am going to marry you." I said and kissed him .

(Later )
Finn and I were in the room when his doctor came in .

"Hello Finn, Rachel, I have some news." He said .

"What is it?" I asked him nervously.

"Well as you both know Finn had Leukemia and his chances of it coming back had been lowered and I'm happy to say he does not have it . But he does have a tumor in his brain , it's malignant but it is also removable . So we can do the surgery as soon as possible. However it is in his frontal lobe which means there are some risk ,like blindness, memory loss and of course death ." He told us .

"Would chemo be an option?" I asked .

"No, no chemo ." Finn said .

"What?" I said .

"Doc, if we can remove this thing than I say go for it." He told the doctor .

"Finn don't you wanna at least talk about this ?" I asked him .

"If it's the easiest solution then let's do it." He said .

I looked at him and said ,

"Can we talk in private ?"

"Sure , can you excuse us for a second doctor ." He said and the doctor left .

"Are you nuts you wanna go into surgery!" I said .

"Rachel it's the easiest option." He said.

"Just because it's the easiest doesn't mean it's the smartest!" I said .

"Rachel, I love you and if doing this is the easiest thing than I'm going to do it ." He said .

"Even if it's dangerous!" I said upset .

"Yeah ." He said .

"I can't believe you!" I said pissed off and left

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