Chapter 35- Here We Go Again

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I'm bored.

It's a slow news day literally, I complained mentally as I dumped my bag and laptop case on a side table.

It's been this way since the day after Christmas. It is now January 3 and things are only starting to pick up today from the holiday hangover.

Well, well. I thought with a half-smile as I spotted a letter on my desk. The letter is coming from The Philippine Wordsmith Awards.

It's not such a slow news day after all. At least, not for me personally. I picked it up and opened it eagerly. I had an idea what this letter is about but I didn't want to assume too much. It could be about anything, really.

Dear Ms. Mendoza,


During the course of year, we take note of all outstanding articles that are published on Philippine broadsheets and other news periodicals.

It is this regular review that enables us to identify articles from the past year that are exemplary and are able to uphold the highest standards of journalism.

In this regard, we are pleased to inform you that you have been nominated this year in the following categories:

Best Beat Reporter- News

Best Investigative Report- Online Hacking and Unethical Corporate Practices

The awarding ceremony will be on January 13 in Quezon City. For more details about this year's event, please visit our website.

Very truly yours,

The Committee

The Philippine Wordsmith Awards

Yay! It's my first time to be nominated for my work. Curious to know more about this awarding program, I immediately set up my laptop and typed their URL on the browser.

There's a separate microsite for this year's awards. I clicked it and scrolled down to check the categories with the corresponding nominees for each.









I screamed mentally as I bent and rested my forehead on my desk, banging it a bit too roughly.

"What's the matter, Maine? Do you disagree with your nominations?" asked my fellow reporter Dennis.

"Is Sam around?" I asked as I lifted my head, totally ignoring his comment. It was a rhetorical question and I was in no mood to discuss my dilemma with anyone else apart from Sam.

"She should be."

"Gotta go," I said as I scrambled off from my seat to go and visit the photography department.

I spot Sam at her work station, editing her photos on a gigantic desktop.

"Sam! Sam!" I whispered frantically.

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